Whenever I take a picture of my food in the corner of this empty office across from desk, I can’t help but say “nobody puts baby in a corner!” Ah, Dirty Dancing, such a sappy movie, but I love it.
Steak and eggs is always a great combo. I had leftover Certified Angus Beef from our cookout on Sunday, and I had just enough for an spinach and cheese omelette (2) some steak “bites” (2) and fruit. A delicious, protein packed 4 point breakfast.
I am pretty lucky in the fact that all three of my attorneys do different work, and it nearly always works out that on any particular day I’ll do more for one attorney on one day, because the other work needs to get done, but not right that second.
Um, yesterday was not that day. All three of them had big projects and deadlines, and after my sister told me that she had a work lunch and couldn’t walk, shit hit the fan and I worked through my lunch. By the time I may have been able to take a break was around 3:30 – and well, I was supposed to leave at 5, so what was the point?
Another picky plate for lunch – this time side salad style. I bought a small container of pasta salad over the weekend for like $1. Hannah made her famous ramen noodle salad, so I stole some of that – calling the side salads 6 points, with more of the Sweet Thai chili turkey breast from Jennie-0, Oh Snap Hottie pickles, and fruit.
Well, turned out I worked an hour late, so I basically worked 9 hours straight with hardly a break. I hope it will let up after today, cause y’all, I’m tired. 😛 I missed all the rain from being inside too – I guess there were flash floods in part of Chicago yesterday!
I could have easily gone through the drive through at Burger King – I pass it every day on my way home from the train station, but I made another batch of my Italian Turkey Bolognese, and by the time my pasta was cooked in 10 minutes, dinner was ready. I added a tablespoon of fat free half and half to make it a bit richer, and this was perfect comfort food at the end of a long day.
I’d like to remind everyone that this is a salad plate, not a dinner plate, and that it is actually one cup of pasta. I used 99% fat free turkey breast in my pasta sauce, but I’ll add a couple points for the sauce, making my dinner 8 smart points.
I have a blog friend who has two Boston Terriers as well. She and I have been friends since maybe 2010? She used to blog at Dining Alone, and I loved her blog because a. she and I had similar likes of food and recipes and b. she made the food she loved because her boyfriend was a picky eater.
Well her oldest fur baby is 8 years old today! And Rhonda treats him with a cheeseburger on his birthday. You can follow them at the Instagram handle below. Kiwi is the baby of the family and just as cute.
I’m going to nap the last 1/2 hour of my train ride in this morning, so I am hitting publish and napping! Such a productive morning before 8:00 a.m., no?!
Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!