I will always take cold weather and sunny skies over snow days and 35 degrees.  Although yesterday with the windchill, it felt like 2 degrees.  Let’s just say I don’t mind those temps if I am at home, on my comfy sofa with the dogs and a fire going in the wood burning stove. 

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I plan on making a batch of the skinny bagels over the weekend and freezing them.  But because my eggs were “free” I could spend 6 points on this Lender’s bagel – with the cheese, breakfast was 8 points.

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My sister texted me yesterday morning and said she needed to do some shopping at lunch and will I come with her.  Long time readers know that I only shop thrift stores, Goodwill and the such.  The only thing I’ve bought retail are socks, underwear and a bathing suit.

But I’ve been looking for a new winter coat.  I have a down coat, but it’s short and doesn’t have a hood.  I found a great coat last year at Goodwill, but sadly when we did our office move, I forgot it in the closet, and anything that could be donated that was left from the move went to the Chicago Housing Authority, so I am not mad about that.  But I did only pay $8 for that coat!

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Well guess who found and bought a coat?!  Me!  This isn’t a down coat, but it says it is warm to 2 degrees, and that’s good enought for me.  It’s still roomy that I can layer if I have to.  I love this coat!  It was $79, which is about the combined value of the rest of my wardrobe. 😀

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Um, why have I never used Chobani in place of sour cream?  I love the extra tang this had on top of my buffalo chicken chili.

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Over the weekend I made cheesy chicken spinach meatballs.  When I added everything to the recipe builder, 5 meatballs was 1 point, and that was for the oil that I cooked them in and the Trader Joe’s cheese.

In a blender, blend 2 cups baby spinach, 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 3 cloves garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper and blend.

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Add that spinach mixture to 1 pound of ground chicken breast.  Top with 2 ounces of Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella cheese and mix until combined.

You’ll note that this mixture is a bit wet, so refrigerate at least an hour before cooking.  I used my melon baller and got 20 meatballs out of this mixture – 5 meatballs per serving.

To cook, heat Pam and a bit of vegetable oil in a non-stick pan, and cook for about 7-8 minutes, turning to brown on all sides.  These meatballs aren’t that big, so you don’t want to overcook them.  

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Last night I made a skinny meatball sub – holy balls this was delicious!  I used a Healthy Life Bun (2) 1/2 ounce cheese (2), the meatballs (1) and my homemade marinara.   While the cheese melted under the broiler, I just heated the meatballs up in the marinara sauce for about 5 minutes with the lid on, then spooned that over the cheesy bun.  So messy, so delicious!  

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This weekend I have to get my out of town boxes out in the mail.  I feel like I am a bit behind in getting my Christmas act together, but I’ll get it down.  Doing some baking and making more jelly and my goal is to be at the post office by 2:30 tomorrow afternoon.  Totally doable as I only have 4 boxes to get out.

And Sunday I plan on seeing my Mom since she’s going to be in Virginia for Christmas – if I don’t see her this weekend I won’t see her until December 30!  

Tomorrow morning I have Weight Watchers.  I am going to “unofficially” weigh in at home since my last weigh in was on my scale, not sure how accurate that is with the WW scale, but it doesn’t really matter in the whole grand scheme of things.  I feel satisfied on this new program and plan on making the two ingredient dough to make a calzone for dinner tonight.  Gotta love Party Pizza Friday!

Hope you have a great weekend – make it a great day!