I love my weekly Weight Watchers meeting.  Even if there is a sub, it’s fun.  We have awesome receptionists, and there usually is some funny moments that make us almost pee our pants.  It just sets the tone for the weekend.  I hadn’t weighed in for two weeks because I was on vacation, and was very happy that I maintained exactly!  +-0.0!!!

Per usual I hit up my local Jewel and got some great meat deals – I spent $19 on 7 packages of meat, and saved $24!   Hannah and Jacob were gone most of the day at an Oddities Festival in Lisle.  They asked me to come along, but that’s not my cup of tea, and to be honest, I was looking forward to having the house to myself.  It never fails that the second I want to get in the kitchen, even if I’ve been gone for several hours, that I come back and Hannah has several kitchen projects going on.

Ever since I had the sous vide bites from Starbuck’s, I decided I need to make a version at home.  Only one tiny problem, I don’t have a sous vide machine.  Or an instant pot – I know!!  I think Hannah would die if I bought another kitchen appliance though.

I had an idea of putting the egg mixture in small glass jars and cooking them in a water bath.  These took about 30 minutes to cook.  

However, I didn’t realize how I would get the egg mixture out of the jar.  I was laughing in my kitchen, by myself, out loud!!  These look like ass, but they tasted great!!

That “sous vide” egg was one point, and with my 4 ounces of beef, my steak and egg breakfast was 5 points and this kept me full four hours.

I got dozens of responses on Instagram after my initial attempt, and the consensus was to maybe get some silicone cups to cook them in.  It was a damn miracle that I went into Bed Bath & Beyond and only bought this one item!!  With the 20% off coupon, these were $8 for a dozen.

Here is where I will tell you not to follow this method – while I like that the eggs and cottage cheese and seasonings were blended in the mixer, next time I’ll chop the roasted red peppers and add them to the mixture, so the batter isn’t pink like mine. 😀

Of course I added pickled jalapeno for a bit of spice. 

These are so light and airy – I think because they were blended well – I got 8 sous vide eggs from this recipe – and the whole recipe is only 3 points!  1 point for the tablespoon of flour and 2 points for the 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese.

Ready for their bath!

I used my cast iron skillet – you’ll need a shallow pan so the muffin cups sit on the bottom of the pan so they won’t flip over.  I brought the water to a boil first, then turned it down to low, added the muffin cups, put a lid on the pan and they cooked for 20 minutes.

Look at how fluffy they got!


While I know the color is off-putting, these taste delicious.  Not exactly like Starbuck’s, but these are fluffy and you can taste the cottage cheese in every bite.  

This is going to be my breakfast two days this week.


copycat starbucks sous vide eggs

I helped Jacob with his meal prep and cooked two packages of chicken – I’m pretty much the best mother-in-law ever.  I bought all that chicken for $2.30!  I used Code 3 Spices Rescue Rub on the chicken.

I also bought a package of two bone in pork chops for $2.50 – so my $1.25 pork chop was delicious – I used the Code 3 Spices Rescue Rub and their Patriot BBQ sauce – two tablespoons is only 1 point.  This was delicious!

The kadults had dinner plans with Jacob’s grandpa, so it was just me grilling last night.  It always reminds me of when Tony and I spent hours and hours in the summer sitting under our gazebo – me sipping wine, Tony with his grey goose rocks, listening to Frank Sinatra.

It was perfect out – low 70’s, low humidity and the mosquitos weren’t too bad.

The only thing missing was Tony. 🙁

I am proud to say that I didn’t use any of my weekly points this weekend, even counting my glass of wine, which long time readers know I never do.

Which is good because I am going to be having one of my top five favorite burgers in the city for lunch today.  My Momma is coming downtown and my sister is meeting us for lunch. 

My Mom will probably sit next to me because I am her favorite. 😀

Happy Monday friends, make it a great day!