I can’t remember the last time I had pancakes.  I normally almost always opt for a savory breakfast, but these pancakes are not overly sweet.  These are my Premier Protein pancakes.  I subbed in a chocolate shake for the bananas and cream one, and I didn’t have any bananas, so left that out, so added two eggs.  You can find the recipe here.  Each pancake is 3 smart points, but one with the fruit and ham was plenty.

Premier Protein Pancakes

What a gorgeous day in Chicago yesterday – 70 degrees and blue skies.  Jenn and I walked to Mariano’s – I had to buy some beef for dinner for National BBQ Day and Jenn needed to pick up some stuff for her son Mark – who’s now dairy free and a vegetarian.

The rest of my taco Tuesday leftovers morphed into this – kind of like lettuce wraps, but I ended up using the chips and eating the filling like a dip with the 100 calorie guacamole.  The only points are the chips (4) and the guac (3) and this was filling and delish.

I was scheduled to be night secretary, and I kept hoping as it got closer to 5 that no one signed up, and I lucked out!  I knew I wanted to grill, but if I had to work late it probably wouldn’t have happened.

Do you guys use a chimney to light your coals?  I absolutely love it.  The coals are ready in less than 10 minutes.

I used lump charcoal – you just put a couple pieces of newspaper in the bottom, light that on fire and your coals will be perfect without the use of lighter fluid.

Jacob and Hannah hadn’t eaten yet either, so I grilled them chicken wings and cheddar brats.  I split this Certified Angus Beef New York strip with Jacob.  On the side I made grilled blackened shrimp.

Thanks Jenn for the blackened seasoning. šŸ˜€

I have to remember that there are only three of us when I grill!  

The tater tots were 6 points, the beef was 4 points (I cut off the fat) and the shrimp was zero.  Perfect dinner for National BBQ Day.  Note to self:  buy some vegetables šŸ˜€

If you live in the Chicago area, one of the attorneys I work with told me about this butcher shop – their prices are insanely cheap – you can check it out here.  Um, baby back ribs for $2.79 a pound?!  

When I texted Jenn if she wanted to go to Mariano’s at lunch, she said “duh.”  I found this online, and it’s pretty much true.  Except every grocery store is our favorite grocery store.

It’s my Friday!  I have tomorrow off.  I’ll be going to Michigan to spend the weekend with my cousin – road trip!  Should be fun. šŸ˜€

Happy Thursday my friends – make it a great day!