This will be a short post as I am blogging from my phone. I didn’t want to take my work backpack to the game, so I left my laptop at work and brought a smaller bag to take to the game.

Hannah told me that I have to use up the pantry canned goods before I can buy more. She’s such a task master that one! Turns out I have not one, not two, but SIX cans of pumpkin.

So over the weekend I made a batch of my pumpkin waffles. Breakfast was a pumpkin waffle sammie with egg and lite mozzarella with sugar free syrup.

Jenn and I got our walking shoes on at lunch – it was a gorgeous day.

Every time I wear that shirt I forget how low cut it is 😂.

I made Greek chicken over the weekend with zucchini and grilled up some carrots. I made these romaine lettuce “boats” with tzatziki and baba ganoush – I’ll be posting the recipe for that soon – I grilled the egg plant so it was nice and smokey.

My office gave me Cubs tickets – the seats were awesome!

It was a gorgeous night – 72 degrees and not too breezy. I got there at 6, but the game didn’t start until 7:05, so I walked around, got a beer and watched the warmups.

Only one tiny problem – I couldn’t find one person to go with me. Maybe because it was a weeknight game (or maybe it’s me?!) but after asking my friends, people at work, people I know at my sisters office, shout outs on Instagram and Facebook – I struck out.

I didn’t know what I wanted to eat until I saw someone with these fries: Parmesan garlic fries!

My guess was 16 points for the whole thing, and I ate half. And in case you were wondering, you do need both ketchup and mustard for dipping.

I had one more beer during the game. Two beers + fries + tip = $35!

I had to leave by the 6th inning because I had to take the red line back to the loop to get back to my train station. The train is not express at that time so my train is an hour and twenty minutes home.

I made the 9:30 train with two minutes to spare! Whew! All was well until I made it to my car. And realized I never transferred my car keys to my smaller bag and my car keys were still at work.

It was almost 11 by now but Hannah and Jacob were packing their lunches and Hannah drove my extra set of keys to rescue me. Thanks Hannah!

I probably didn’t get to bed until 11:45 last night – so late on a school night 😂

I’m posting this picture that I took this morning for my brother because he loves cloudy stormy days over sunshine any day of the week.

and I found out this morning that the Cubs won. 👌🏻

Happy Wednesday friends – make it a great day!