I was supposed to have lunch with my sister and one of her friends, but on the way to work I remembered that it was Administrative Assistant Day.  I don’t really know how over the years the word “secretary” became derogatory – I don’t really care what you call me – legal assistant, legal secretary, coffee getter – you pay me from 9-5 I’ll pretty much do anything.

At my old job?  That included unclogging the mens bathroom toilet, so things are much better at this firm!  When I got to my desk I had a big tote bag with the firms name on it – it could be used as a beach bag, or a big reusable grocery bag.  Here’s how I plan on using mine.  I’ll have every intention of bringing it into the grocery store with me to place all my non-refrigerated items for easy sorting when I get home.  Only I’ll remember when I am in line at the grocery store that I’ve forgotten it in my car, and when asked for paper or plastic, I’ll respond “plastic is fine.”

Treats were everywhere, but I stuck to the breakfast I brought.  I hadn’t made my zero point berry sauce – it’s been a while since I’ve made it, but thanks to Hannah’s excellent freezer chart, I knew there was a giant bag of mixed frozen veggies I could use.  It’s so easy to make the night before while making dinner so it has time to cool before putting in your lunch bag for the next day.

I knew the office lunch was being catered by Buona Beef – I love their food!   I decided to make a salad and ditch the bread.  Instead I had about 1/3 cup of pasta.   I am counting that plate as 12 points and I ate every bite.  The giardiniera made this salad.  It was a lovely lunch and nice to be appreciated.

I’ve realized that I like eating something on the train ride home.  My train station has the French Market and it is SO easy just to pop in there and buy a box of gummies (yes, you can buy the best gummies on the planet in 1/2 pound boxes!) cookies, slices of pizza the size of your face – don’t even get me started on the alcohol options for my hour train ride home.  Not that I’ve every eaten any of those things on MY train ride home – I just see what other people do around me. 😛

Guess what?  I had sliced apple and a water and it was delicious.

I had to work late, so didn’t get home until about 7:10.  Hannah and Jacob grilled so I ate a grilled chicken thigh (cooked to perfection I might add!) (4 points) before heading to the gym.  I have to tell you, it was the perfect fuel.  Unlike Monday night when I ate chorizo and chicken tacos before working out, last night I didn’t feel like I was going to shit my pants.  #klassy

Since I didn’t get my walk in at lunch, I hit up the treadmill.  I know many people don’t like it, but I love it.  I like that it keeps the same speed, and while I wasn’t going fast (3.4 mph) I walked at an 8% incline for AN HOUR.  Imagine it was like walking up a hill for an hour and I was sweaty when I was done.

And it went by super fast because I watched YouTube videos!  And you know what I mostly watched?  Meal Prep videos – yep, working out and watching food – that’s what I do.  I found a new (to me) WW – she’s lost 32 pounds and kept it off.  Here is her YouTube channel, which I think is great because they are simple, make ahead meals – I know not everyone cooks like me and makes surf and turf on a Tuesday night, but I know I’ll get some ideas from her as well.  Nice to “meet” you Amanda!

And another woman I saw did meal prep like I do – make ahead a bunch of things to then mix and match.  While Amanda makes the same meals for a week, I like more variety in my eats.  You can check out her YouTube video here that I watched.  It was because of watching her video last night that I remembered about sweet potato toast!  Totally having that today.

And when my workout was done – I treated myself to the 10 minute hydro chair – so good!  

I had to stop by Walgreens to pick up a prescription on my way home, and didn’t get home until 9:15.  That grilled chicken kept me full, but I knew I needed to eat something so that I wouldn’t have low blood sugar in the middle of the night – that happens when I work out at night.  This was perfect – ciabatta egg open faced sammie with mango.  It was perfect!  I woke up at 6:25 this morning and my blood sugar was 75.  Nice.

Even without my lunchtime walk, I was at nearly 17k steps – yes!  Don’t be jealous of my kitchen counters. 😀

If you guys are on Instagram, you need to follow my girl Danielle – she just hit 50 pounds lost!  Last week she DM’d me and said “you are queen beef – I’ve never knowingly bought a rump roast, but it was $2.88 a pound – now what to do with it?”  I sent her my link to my Chicago Style Italian beef, and she sent me this picture last night – such a proud Momma!  She cooked it perfectly, but best yet – leftovers for lunches.

And let’s finish this blog post with a laugh, shall we?  I get at least 100 emails like this below A DAY.  It’s insane.  But I love that he feels that my writing is “in dark and amazingly contagious.”  Pretty sure that’s why all you guys stop by every day. 😀

While its still on the chilly side (30s when I leave the house) if the sun is out, I am a happy camper!

I am so proud of myself for steering away from all the temptations around me yesterday.  Did I mention that they also had a chocolate mouse cheese cake?! 

Happy Thursday my friends – make it a great day!