I put this picture of Tony on my Instagram yesterday – I realized it’s actually my 4th Valentine’s Day without him since he died in 2014 – that seems so long ago, doesn’t it?!

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of him – it’s just such a natural smile.  What I miss most is the anticipation of coming home, because he was there.

Pretty much throughout our whole marriage he worked from home, and while he had occasional business trips, he was always home when I got home.  Usually in his same chair, with his laptop on his lap and most likely a John Wayne movie going in the background.

What I miss is hanging outside with him, listening to Frank Sinatra while I am sipping wine and he’s sipping on a Grey Goose with giant olives.

What I miss is that he told me I was beautiful every day of our time together – he met me at 138 pounds and know me as much as 180 pounds, yet saw me as beautiful and always told me that if I wanted to lose weight it wasn’t because he wanted me to.   I hope you gave your special someone an extra hug and kiss from me yesterday šŸ˜€


I had to do a Corner Bakery run for my bosses meeting – the girl that orders food was out yesterday – she had done a catering order the previous week for me – 5 muffins and a large container of orange juice and it cost $35 and I picked it up.

Yesterday I just walked in, ordered 5 muffins and a large orange juice and it only cost $17.  Could the catering upcharge be 50%?!!

I had the eggs and ham at my desk, and got a large fruit cup at Corner Bakery with a drizzle of granola.  Six points on #backto30 and it would have been 2 points #freestyle.

Since it was Valentine’s Day, there were two vendors in our lobby – a florist (obviously) and a meat purveyor!  She stopped me in my tracks when she asked, do you want to try our pastrami?!  Um, yes please!  It was amazeballs.  It’s from a place called Fumare Meats & Deli and it’s the French Market of the train station – the same place where I buy the giant honeycrisp apples.  I never noticed this place before!

It’s called a Montreal pastrami, so I am not sure what that is, but its the best pastrami I’ve ever had.  I asked her if they sold it by the pound and she said they did and handed me a flyer.  Um, no wonder it’s the best pastrami I’ve ever had because it costs $25 a pound!  I did buy Jacob some beef jerkey though. 

I completely forgot about a mandatory lunch meeting so the lunch I brought yesterday will be lunch today.  I counted this plate as 10 points – I ate half the sandwich, but took the top bun off, and had some salad.

No one signed up for night secretary so I got the hockey puck out of there – love how light its getting after 5!

Hannah is still insisting on driving me to the train and picking me up.  My car was buried in snow, but it’s mostly defrosted by now.  It’s nice seeing her in the morning.  Before I got home, she texted me and asked if I had anything planned for dinner, and I realized I never took out the pork chop I was going to make from the freezer.  She said she was picking up Kojak’s, and I said I’d take the sweet potato fries and an Italian Beef – Tony loved Italian beef. 

I was very proud of myself because I only ate half of the beef and 2 ounces of the fries for 12 points, and still stayed within my point range – even with a glass of wine.  #nsv

What I miss is getting notes like this.  Tony (aka Jeff) used to write me notes all the time.  “You are the dream I was afraid to ask for!”  #swoon – still gives me goose bumps when I read it.

Make it a great day!