We made it to Friday!  I hope everyone is back into their routine like me this week.  I have had a good week so I am hoping for a loss on the scale this week.  I’ve.tracked.everything – I’ve ditched my wine this week, so we will see!  I’ll have to remember to get to WW early tomorrow as it’s the first Saturday meeting of 2018.

This breakfast was epic – another thing I found in the pantry clean up?  Cranberry English Muffins.  Never even opened!  At least this time I double checked to make sure they weren’t stale.  On top is egg whites with an ounce of lite Trader Joe’s mozzarella cheese, some ham and spincach – 7 delicious points.

Ha, I realized I never downloaded  my lunch picture, but it was more lasagna soup, so pretty sure you’ve seen that to death 😀  An hour later I ate one of my two point apple hand pies.  I plan on tweaking this recipe over the weekend – I plan on adding just one teaspoon of butter to the dough (which adds one point) and put the pies in the fridge so the butter is super cold before hitting the hot stove – I also plan on bumping the oven up to 400.  

My co-worker Ruth gave me this bag of sweetener, which I have not seen before.  She bought it at Wal-mart – anyone tried it?  I am curious to see how it tastes – thank you!!  I’ve heard of monkfruit, but didn’t know you can cook and bake with it just like sugar.  Maybe I’ll try it with my net batch of hand pies!

I worked late last night, and just BARELY made the 6:30 train, and if I missed that train, I would have to wait another hour, so I basically ran the last four blocks to the train.  Shit I am out of shape!

About a block away I could feel myself sweat profusely and was like “fudge crackers” my blood sugar is dropping like a stone.  I had an apple in my bag, but wasn’t sure that would be enough for the hour and twenty minute train ride home, so I grabbed a bag of gummies at the CVS in the train station.  And my meter is an hour ahead – I never changed it with the time change 😛


I counted the points though!  I do think it’s rediculous that 14 gummies is 7 points, but then I have to remember its only 140 calories, so moving on.   I ate the apple too 😀

But here’s the thing when my blood sugar gets that low, and I sweat, and it’s cold, it was a miserable train ride home, I couldn’t get warm, and I am always hot.  I came home and crawled into bed with the dogs to warm up, and nearly fell asleep, but got up and made brinner – I can’t remember the last time I did that.  Two cups of shredded hash browns (3) cooked in one teaspoon oil and Pam (1), deli ham (1), scrambled eggs and two slices of the 35 calorie bread from Aldi (2).  

I called it a night at 10:10 p.m. and didn’t wake up until 6:15 this morning – nice!  I wish I could give my gift of sleep to people – it’s rare that I don’t sleep well and I know a lot of you struggle with it.  

We are going to my sisters tomorrow night to celebrate Christmas with my Mom and my sisters family.  Should be fun – the best part is that Hannah LOVES to drive, so I don’t have to worry about the hour drive there and back.  And Jenn, you don’t need to buy any special beer or anything – dry January is going strong!  

Happy Friday my friends – make it a great day!