Oh my Lerd was yesterday a busy day.  It didn’t help matters that my train took 100 minutes to get to work vs. the normal 60, which made me 30 minutes late.  When I walked in I was bombarded with all this work, “Biz can you do this, can you do that, can you check on this, did you do this yet?”  And I hadn’t even taken off my coat yet.

I ate a banana on the train ride to work, and that would be my breakfast.  The morning just slipped through my fingers and before I knew it, it was 1:30 and I hadn’t eaten lunch yet.

I posted a pasta dish the night before last using this bagged veggie mix, and it’s become my new favorite, and I didn’t even think I liked Brussels sprouts – my MIL would be proud because I think that’s her favorite veggie.   I think I like Brussel sprouts when they still have a bit of crunch to them, and they were delicious in my chicken lo mein I made for lunch.

One cup pasta (6), chicken, veggies and a tablespoon of stirfry sauce (1) and sriracha.  Simple and delish!  I ate this at my desk while I continued to work.

I am night secretary on Wednesday and Thursday nights. . .ONLY if someone signs up.  At 5 I called the front desk, no one had signed up!  I was going to catch up on stuff on my desk for an hour and still get the express train home – sweet!  I got a call at 5:01, an attorney signed up and I worked utnil 6:45 on his stuff and my desk still looks like a disaster.

Yep, those are my reading glasses – officially old!   I don’t use them all day, but after looking at the ocmputer all day I tend to rely on them at the end of the day.

I got so many messages on Instagram asking what weather app I use that uses swear words to describe the temperature – its WTForecast and you can adjust the settings if you want a lot of swears, a few, or none at all.  I of course want all the swears.:D

I didn’t get home until just before 9:00, and while I had a pork chop defrosted, didn’t feel like that right before bed, so made this quick pita pizza.  It was just okay – I wished I would have made a quick pizza dough because the pita was a bit soggy in the middle since I broiled this instead of baking it.  But I loved the zucchini/goat cheese combo – I puffy heart goat cheese.

On Christmas morning I opened a gift that had a piece of paper on it that said “journal to come.”  Um, apparently when Jacob asked what I wanted for Christmas, I sent him the link below of the meal planner that I wanted.  Turns out Hannah checked out his purchase the day before Christmas and he bought me a “journal” not the one below, so Hannah is returning that and quickly ordered the one below, that came in the mail yesterday, which I love!

I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants meal planning wise these last few weeks and it’s showing up on the scale.  Picking up a muffin on the fly on the way to work, deciding that a beer for the train ride home is a good idea because “I had a long day.”  

I’ve been getting inspiration from so many of my blog and insta friends about how they want to do better in 2018, and I am on that bandwagon.  For me, if I am in control of a few things, that helps me stay in control of a lot more things.  Like case in point, making my bed in the morning makes me not drop my dirty clothes on the floor, which makes me keep my kitchen clean, which helps me keep my desk area clean and it’s a domino effect.  Conversely, if I don’t care about how my bedroom looks, I tend not to care that there are dishes in the sink, then won’t take the time to put together food for the day, etc.

I am curious how you feel about the new year rapidly approaching.  Does it effect you?  Does it make you want to be a better person?  

I looked back on the first 10 weeks of 2017 – I lost 20 pounds, and I did it by following the WW plan, tracking all my food (I was the blue dot queen!) and didn’t kill myself at the gym.  I just need to get my act together so that a year from now I am not posting about how I gained 20 pounds in 2018!

It’s going to be another busy day today, so I am just going to keep my head down and power through.  Make it a great day!