Yesterday I was prepared for the weather!   When I left the house it was 15 degrees, but with the wind felt like 4.  My brother gave me this hat for Christmas a couple years ago and I love it.  I work leggings under my pants, my boots – I was toasty!

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I walked into my building and forgot that the building was having a tenant breakfast.  The first thing I saw was this donut bar – are you kidding me?  Frosting, sprinkles, nuts, and look at that tiny cup of fruit?!  I walked by as quickly as I could so I wouldn’t be tempted.

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I ate the breakfast I brought instead.  I still need to check my app, but when I put this Mexican casserole in the recipe builder, it counted the points for the eggs, making this 5 points, which is totally fine for breakfast, but several people told me that it must be a glitch because recipes they have put in the builder show eggs as zero.  Not ready to post the recipe for this one yet – it was good, not great.  

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Our office provided lunch which was Zoop, which you all know what a soup whore I am, but they were mostly cream based soup – lobster bisque, chicken pot pie.  I went with a broth based soup (which I will try to recreate at home) that had chicken and kale in it, but it was so chock full of onions, that was all I could taste. šŸ˜›

So I stuck with the lunch I brought – more buffalo chicken chili with 1/2 cup of wagon wheel pasta.  Whenever Hannah makes pasta she’s convinced that the shaped pasta has more flavor. 

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I left work on time last night – can I get a hells yes!!  I was home by 6:45 – so much time for activities!  First up was making taco Tuesday.  Over the weekend I made tomatillo salsa because my store had tomatillos on sale for .59 cents a pound.  Hannah loves this salsa, especially with those lime tortilla chips.  

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Here is the breakdown of the tacos – only 5 points!  I also made a quick creama, not sure what to call it, but it was just plain Chobani and the sauce from a can of adobo sauce – so good!  Why haven’t I used Greek yogurt for sour cream before?!

I have to tell you that I am feeling so satisfied on this new program – I don’t know if its because I’ve switched my mindset to get back on plan or what, but I haven’t gone “looking” for food after dinner the last two nights.  That seems to be the time of day that gets me in trouble – from 9-10 p.m.  Maybe I should go to bed at nine?! šŸ˜›

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This salsa is so simple, it should really be a recipe.  

  • 2 pounds tomatillos
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 cup cilantro
  • 1/2 – 1 jalapeno (see how spicy your jalapeno is first – start with 1/4 and add more as needed)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • that’s fucking it

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Broile the tomatillos until they are browned.  I do miss the deep char I get on the grill, but this is still good.  There will be a lot of juice in your pan, so be sure to use a jelly roll pan to broil these.  Dump all the ingredients, and the juice on the cookie sheet into a blender, blend, and try not to eat the whole thing with a bag of chips in one sitting.  Not that I know that personally, but I heard a friend did that once. šŸ˜€

broiled tomatillo salsa

Also, be sure to have about 18 separate things on your counter when doing this.  That’s how the professional kitchens work. 

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Tonight is my office Christmas party, and I have about 7 extra points banked, and my breakfast and lunch together will only be about 10 points, so I’ll have about 20 points to work with tonight – totally doable.  Going to have one glass of wine (4) and hopefully have salad with some type of protein – it’s a buffet so I don’t know what my choices are, but it’s one night and I am not going to sweat it.

We made it to Wednesday – make it a great day!  And go make this salsa and let me know if you make it – I could do shots of it without the chips!