It was the perfect day.  The weather was gorgeous.  Hannah and I did a Panera run in the morning and picked up the girl who was doing her makeup.  We were able to sit outside, sip on coffee and scones and I watched my daughter getting her makeup done on her wedding day.

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Jacob and his Mom spent the morning together running errands – yes, you read that correctly, because Jacob waited until the day of his wedding to buy a shirt and tie.  #love

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The morning was so leisurely, that all of a sudden it was like “it’s time to go!”  My Mom with her oldest grandchild on her wedding day!

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I love this picture below – love, love, love.  I can’t believe I took that with my iPhone!

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Remember how I told you that I barely took any pictures at the shower?  Hannah hired a girl from their coffee shop who is into photography to be our photographer for the day.  Did I mention that she’s 17 years old and had to ditch school?  Her parents didn’t seem to mind!  As her pictures start to trickle in, I’ll post a few a day – you’ll probably get sick of seeing wedding pictures after a week of this – #sorrynotsorry šŸ˜€

The man behind Jacob?  That’s their best friend Luis who flew in from Texas to be the ring bearer.  

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I wore a dress!  First time (well, I wore the same dress to the shower, and will probably wear it to my nieces wedding next month!) in a long time I’ve worn one.  I love that it was so nice out I didn’t even need a sweater.  On the far right are Jacob’s parents, and in the middle are his grandparents – his grandma’s liver cancer is back and she’s been through a couple weeks of radiation.  She’ll find out this Friday if it seems to be working or not.  So happy she was able to see her grandson get married!

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The something borrowed?  That pearl necklace – Tony gave it to my on my first birthday after we were married in March of 2001.  The same florist that did our centerpieces did Hannah’s bouquet – so gorgeous!

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I’ll be posting what the Judge said and the kids vows later this week.  I loved how even though they were getting married in a courthouse, the Judge made it super personable and poignant.  They had time before our dinner reservations to go to a preserve near our house and take more pictures – their photographer took over 1000!  I took this one below with my iPhone.  #love

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It literally could not have been a more great day.  After our dinner we had people over to our house, then we went to a bar for an hour.  We came home and ate wedding cake.  It was the perfect day.

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“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey.  At other times it is allowing another to take yours.  Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.”