Hannah and Jacob’s shower couldn’t have gone better if I tried.  At first I was a bit hesitant about having an open house type event.  Because the shower was between 3-6 p.m. on Saturday, I thought maybe no one would show up right at three and everyone would come at the same time, but the flow was fantastic.  When guests arrived and left, the way the food was brought out, the server and bartender were super attentive.  

It was perfect!

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My Mom and I were ready first so we to to the restaurant first to set up.  A family friend is a florist and did an amazing job on the flower arrangements for the tables.  Jacob’s grandma paid for the flowers (thanks Vicki!).  We had two things on the table people could fill out if they wanted – one was a date jar, where you wrote down a date idea for them to do later in the year.  The second was “words of wisdom” when things are easy or hard.  Kind of ironic, but almost half of them had something along the lines of “don’t go to bed mad.”

event decorations

The day was nice up until about 30 minutes before the shower started and then it rained buckets.  Luckily it let up a bit when Hannah arrived – I was worried she’d get soaked!  

hannah and jacob

The food was delicious.  The kadults and I eat at this restaurant probably once every couple of weeks.  Those beef kabobs?  Everyone raved about them – so flavorful.  Shrimp cocktail, then just about every other appetizer on their menu, chicken fingers, pretzel bites, mozzarella sticks, japapeno poppers.  


The top picture below?  The only picture I have with Hannah the whole night – and it’s blurry!   I has having such a great time, making sure to speak with everyone who attended (55 was the final head count).  I never got a picture of me and Jacob together, or him and his Mom and Dad.   I didn’t get any pictures of Jacob’s grandparents either, so I need to pay a bit more attention to photos on their wedding day on Friday. šŸ˜€


About a dozen family members came back to the house and they opened their gifts, I had more food and drinks for guests.  I think the last person left around 12:30 – so much fun!!   Since it rained, we did not have our outdoor bonfire, but I still used some of the decorations my WW friend Chris loaned me – I put her battery operated lanterns aroudn the house and earlier that day when I was at a thrift store, found a giant bag of silk fall flowers and decorated the house with those.


Jacob’s Mom makes the best cupcakes, but because of health code violations, they couldn’t be brought into the restaurant, so we enjoyed these after the party.  Um, in case you were wondering, these were insulin worthy!

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Hannah is going to let these flowers dry and then make some sort of shadow box with them.  So gorgeous.

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And as we were leaving the event?  A double rainbow!!  Just a sign of the amazing things to come as they join hands and become husband and wife this week.  

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A friend of theirs lives in Denver, so they are going on a long weekend honeymoon to Denver in early November.  

I could not be happier for them!  They met at the bus stop in 5th grade, have been dating for 8 years and I know they are anxious to continue their life as Mr. and Mrs.  #love