I can’t believe my step-son Joe is 28 years old today.  TWENTY EIGHT.  It seems like yesterday this is what our little family looked like.  Joe was 10 years old (a few months before turning 11) and Hannah was 8.  

It’s still hard to believe that this picture was taken at my company picnic a mere three weeks after Tony and I met.  I remember Tony telling me that he never introduced girlfriends to his son until he knew it was serious, and I respected that.  I met Joe a week after we met and we moved in together a week after this picture was taken below.

We lived at my house durning the week, picked up Joe because he lived with his Mom on Friday night, spent the weekend at Tony’s house and it just worked. 

A few months after Joe met his now wife Liz, they decided to move to Austin, Texas.  At the time I think his Dad was like “are you sure you want to do that?”  But also for selfish reasons as well, because he knew he wouldn’t see him as often.  I reminded Tony about how quickly we got together, and that made him feel a bit better.

I love the life Joe and Liz have created with their two dogs and cat.  They have the best adventures and are living life to the fullest, which makes me all kinds of happy.

Joe, know that you were the best thing to happen to your Dad in his whole lifetime.  I loved you so much, and if he were here, he’d tell you how proud he was of you and life you’ve created for yourself.

If you were here, I’d make you a carrot cake with no nuts or raisins, and I probably would have made you monkey bread for breakfast. šŸ˜€

I love you Joe!  Here’s to your 28th year – I know it’s going to be an amazing one! 

Please leave some comment birthday love for Joe – I’d appreciate it!

Make it a great day!