It was weird being at work on Monday.  Six minutes before my train got to my station, there was only two other people on the platform.  It was only my one boss and me and our whole side of the floor.  But, my boss worked over the weekend, so I had a huge pile of stuff to get through my inbox.  I was about to leave for lunch when we got notified that the office was closing at 3 – so I powered through and caught the early train home.

You’ll be happy to know that Insanity has finally started!  It’s on the free Beach Body on Demand, but I already know I will continue once the free trial is over.  There are hundreds of workouts, I can do them anywhere (like my vacation next week!) and there are recipes, and all sorts of other stuff I haven’t even checked out yet.

Monday was my Fit Test, and I did better than I did the first time in 2013!  While I am four years older, I am nearly 20 pounds lighter, so that made all the difference.  I sent this picture to my brother and sister when I finished (I love this tank – $4.98 at Walmart!) and my brother said he had the second shirt shown. šŸ˜€

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Yesterday felt like Saturday again!  Knowing I was going to have ribs later, I had this TWO point breakfast.  I’ve talked about Joseph’s brand lavash which is giant and two points for the whole thing – I recently found these Joseph’s pita breads that are only 1 point and I think 60 calories?  They are light, fluffy and soft.  I made an egg white scramble pita for 2 points with a festive fruit kabob.

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My Mom came over yesterday, but I did Day 2 of Insanity before she got to my house – I fininshed 5 minutes after she got to my house.  I forgot how hard it was, but I was a sweaty mess and was glad I got it out of the way.  It was nearly lunch time, Hannah and Jacob had just gotten off work, so I put togehter this picky plate.  I have to admit, I didn’t track my points after breakfast, but with a tray like this, I stuck with the shrimp cocktail and fruit for a low point lunch.

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Thanks Cabot Cheese for my cheese loot!   They reently sent me these cracker cut slices in six different flavors – the pepper jack was my favorite, while Hannah and Jacob love the white cheddar cheeses. I love that it’s portioned – each slice is .25 ounces, so 4 squares is an ounce for 4 points.  You will never find me skimping on fat free cheese to lower the points, just not worth it in my book!

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After our snacky lunch, my Mom wanted to go to the state park that I posted on Monday.  We took a different path than I took the other day, and found this look out.  I sent the picture below to my brother and sister, you know, just to remind them that yet again, Mom is spending another holiday with her favorite child.  Charlie responded with “where are you – it looks like giraffes will be walking by any moment!  Which he then proceeded to send us the following pictures – so funny!

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We walked for the better part of an hour I’d say.  It was getting hot, so we headed back home.  

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I am close to greatness with these Greek seasoned ribs.  I could have easily doubled the marinade, and will post the recipe once I am happy with it.  

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We played Scrabble – Jacob had never played before.  He had the first turn and was able to use all his letters on his first turn and got a score of 72 his first turn.  I’d like to say beginners luck, but he routinely had scores of 20-30 points per turn and the rest of us had 12 points here, 8 points there.  It was fun though – I love Scrabble.

I bought these giant sparklers at Walmart, so once it was dark, we lit them and walked around the yard.  It was the perfect ending to a great day.  Just don’t look at my kitchen right now – I know there are some of you that can never go to bed with a messy kitchen, but turns out, it doesn’t bother me.  Hannah gets off of work at 11, so I secretly hope she cleans up the kitchen before I get home tonight šŸ˜€

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So today feels like Monday again!  So crazy – at least the weekend will be here before you know it.  And I already heard my first back to school commercial on the radio already šŸ˜›  How was your 4th?  Make it a great day!