Monday night I was sitting on the couch with Rummy.  It was really windy, when all of a sudden I heard this loud THUMP!  My neighbors tree fell into my driveway.  Luckily it missed the house, the cars and there was no damage other than having a giant tree in my driveway!

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Since we live in the sticks, there are no street lights and didn’t get a good look of how big the tree was until yesterday morning.  I made a phone call to have a guy give me an estimate – most of the tree was on my neighbors property, but she called me and told me she was going to have her tree guys come in the afternoon.

I had such a busy day at work yesterday, the guy who initially called me, called twice again but I couldn’t pick up the phone to answer it.  Hannah called me later, and I picked up the phone and she said “I am paying the guy to cut down the tree, you don’t have to worry about it.”  Nice!

Below is another slice of my everything but the bagel quiche – no worries, the blog with the recipe will be up later this week on The Chopping Block’s blog.  I seriously want to put this everything seasoning on . . . everything!  Breakfast came in at 8 points.

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My one boss had a filing yesterday and the other is going to be out of the office tomorrow and Friday and I never got to leave for lunch.  I told my sister and our friend Jenny to go ahead without me on the lunch walk.  By the time I filed everything, it was nearly 4 p.m. and I finally fixed my lunch!  4 ounces of beef, 3 tablespoons hummus, veggies and fruit.  7 smart points.

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I was able to leave on time, which was good.  I was actually fine with having a late lunch because that meant I could just do insanity as soon as I got home.  As I got on the train, I looked down on my fitbit to see how many steps I had gotten, I still did a lot of walking around in my office, and realized my fitbit died – no battery.  I got the low battery notice the day before, but I usually have a few days before it goes completely out.

So I stopped by CVS on my way home to pick up a new battery.  And guess what else I picked up?  A bag of gummy bears that were at the checkout.  Why on earth would I do that, when I was about to exercise?!!  It didn’t stop me from eating 3/4 of the bag though.  Two steps forward and one step back.

It was almost as if I was thinking “well, you had a 61 point day last Friday, so you’ll probably have a gain, so why not?

I threw the remainder of the candy in the garbage so it never entered the house.  We couldn’t find the cord to the Xbox to hook up the Insanity DVD.  Hannah ordered a new one, so we went with Plan B.  Hannah was somehow able to “airplay” a Shaun T free video that was online.  Um, I forgot how hard these videos are!  If you want to see part of my workout, Hannah did a bunch of boomerang videos and I put them on Instagram (mybizzykitchen). 

35 minutes later I was done – and I also remembered how good it felt to do the stretch at the end of his videos.  So kind of insane workout, even if it wasn’t Insanity. šŸ˜€

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I still wasn’t very hungry, but I fixed a grilled cheese sandwich – 2 slices healthy life bread (2) with an ounce of Trader Joe’s lite mozzarella (1) and an ounce of potato chips (4).

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I didn’t figure out what happened about the tree until I got home.  Apparently the guy I called to get the estimate from, after he came out and quoted me $300, I told him I was going to have to wait to hear from my neighbor who had her tree people coming later that afternoon.  Unbenownst to me, the guy I talked to came to the house, saw tree damage at my other neighbors house, and cleaned up all the tree debris and only charged us $200 for our portion.

Hannah and Jacob had earlier gotten saws and thought they could cut down the tree in our driveway, but after ten minutes, getting hardly anywhere, and sweating buckets, when the tree guy said he couldn’t a hold of me to get the go ahead, Hannah took charge and said “SOLD!”  She told me later if the quote had been $500 she would have paid it.  She said they were there for about 4 hours.  And when I got home last night, it’s as if it had never happened!

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Still not sure why I thought buying the gummy bears was a good idea, but after I put in all my food, I magically ended up with 30 points for the day.  Let’s be honest, not the healthiest 30 points I could have had, but that’s the best part about life, every day is a new day to make it a better one than the day before.

I still plan on doing a Shaun T video tonight, even if the cord hasn’t come yet – usually with Amazon prime we get stuff within a day, so we’ll see.  My quads are definintely feeling the workout from last night.  Hopefully today I’ll be able to get out at lunch.  I am night secretary tonight too, so that’s a variable, although the last few Wednesday’s no one has signed up and I am able to leave at 5:30.

Happy Wednesday – make it a great day!