I woke up and checked the weather yesterday morning, and it said 50 degrees.  Nice!  I grabbed a light sweater and at the last second grabbed a scarf before heading out the door.  Well, holy balls, it felt like winter again – it was windy, rainy and with the wind chill probably felt more like 40.  I should know better living in Chicago all my life that it’s completely normal to go from 78 degrees the night before to feeling like 40.

I was happy to get back to my routine and met my sister before work to WI.  I had to laugh that she made the same mistake I did by not wearing a winter coat!

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I am totally fine maintaining these last two weeks.  With my iratic schedule, not meal planning, eating out, +.2 is a victory to me.  I could have easily gotten Popeyes chicken, or Taco Bell every late night from the train station before heading home, and not going to lie, literally had to talk myself out of it every.single.night.

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Now that I don’t have the deadline of our office move, things can kind of get back to my normal routine.  I’ll still be crazy busy at work, but the work will always be there, and plan on sticking to my 12:30-1:30 lunch and leaving at 5:00.  My next goal 150 ā€“ by June 1!  I picked up breakfast at Corner Bakery – this was an apple chicken sausage flatbread with egg whites and baby spinach with a large fruit cup – 8 smart points and delicious.

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The WW meeting was about how to treat yourself like you would the people around you.  I know I sometimes wish I didn’t have to think so hard about losing weight, keeping it in focus all.the.time and can beat myself up about it.  But I think, would I ever say those words to anyone else?  We all know the answer is no – so this week the goal is to be kind to yourself too.  One of the women in the group goes to Freshii a lot, and there is one in the lobby of my building.  When I walked in and saw a spicy lemongrass soup on the menu, that was that.  While I waited for my soup, of course they had to have delicious cookies the size of my head by the register.  I just gave them the stink eye! šŸ˜›

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Now this soup was amazing.  Perfectly cooked noodles, spicy broth and plenty of veggies – mushrooms, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes even.  It came in a giant container that easily could have been two servings, but I ate it all over the course of the afternoon.  At times I would have to pop it back in the microwave to heat it up, but this was so good.  I need to figure out how to make this one at home vs. $7.  The nutrition label online gave this 9 smart points, but it may be less because they are including the veggies in that equation.  I left it at 9 because of the noodles though.

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I love this mug too.  No one claimed it before our move, so it was mine – I am such a scavenger that way.  I did stay an hour late last night, just to organize my desk a bit more – it’s still a bit chaotic and it’s giving me a bit of anxiety that I am really not sure what’s on my desk.  

I got home around 8, and didn’t really feel like cooking anything, so nachos it was.  I used the leftover beef and zoodle mixture and a 3/4 ounce Cabot cheese over the top and popped it under the broiler.  Easy and delicious and 10 smart points.  I found kale and spinach tortilla chips at CVS believe it or not, and they were delish!

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Happy friday!  I have no plan, and I am happy about that.  Still feel a bit under the weather ā€“ only had 13,000 steps yesterday!  I plan to lay low, and drink lots of tea.

Hope you have a great weekend!