These steel cut oat waffles are crisp on the outside, tender on the inside – so good!
I love Saturday and Sunday mornings because there is no rush. I can get up, make my Chemex coffee, sip on that for a while before thinking about what I want for breakfast. Lately I’ve been in a waffle mood. I was short on flour, so decided to see if I could you steel cut oats to replace most of the flour, and it worked surprisingly well!
I just used my coffee grinder to grind up the oats.
Love the texture of this flour – it’s coarser than regular flour which gave my waffles an added crispness.

Steel Cut Oat Waffles
Show of hands who bought steel cut oats and then made them once and the container has been in your pantry for six months untouched? Same! I ground the steel cut oats to make these light, crisp waffles - delish!
- 1 cup steel cut oat flour
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Using a food processor or spice grinder, grind the steel cut oats into a flour.
- Mix the oat flour, flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon together.
- In another bowl, mix the milk, eggs and vanilla until combined.
- Mix the wet and dry ingredients together and let the batter sit at least 15 minutes.
- Heat waffle maker according to manufacturer instructions. I used a 1/3 measure for each waffle, so I got 5 waffles out of this recipe.
- Mine took 4-5 minutes to cook,.
- Serve with fresh fruit and bacon.
On my WW plan, each waffle is 4 points. Click here to see the WW points on your plan.
These waffles were crisp on the outside, yet light on the inside. This recipe made 5 waffles, at 5 smart points each. Topped with SF syrup (1) and two slices of turkey bacon (2), this was a very filling breakfast. If you love waffles, check out my banana bread waffles!
Happy Anniversary The Chopping Block!
I had plans to head to The Chopping Block on Saturday for the first of two events to celebrate their 20th Anniversary. Even though I only worked there five months, I know I’ve made lifelong friends and it is still the best job I ever had – I loved going to work every day to work with food, talk about food, and just be around people who were as passionate to get the country cooking as I was.
I didn’t get there until nearly 2:30, but just in time to hear Shelley, the founder and owner, talk about one of the first dishes that she ever made when she first started the cooking school – it was a blue cheese and caramelized onion tart. But as she started talking, she started crying. Crying because that recipe was one of her Mom’s recipes, and sadly her Mom died of breast cancer this past December. You guys, I cry at weddings I watch on Youtube for people I don’t even know! I immediately started tearing up, but then she said something funny and I was able to keep it together.
Most of the savory food was gone by the time I got there, but there were plenty of sweets!
I had a glass of wine – this pinot grigio was really good:
I nearly bought this, but couldn’t figure out where I would put it.
And after Shelley’s demo, there was cake and champagne, which I ate too – loved seeing a full house!
It was a fun afternoon, and I am happy I went. I just forgot how awful the traffic was. It took me nearly 90 minutes to drive 40 miles! Totally worth it though.
I got my cleaning pants and meal planning pants on yesterday and I feel good about my eats this week. I have a couple new recipes to share this week – another hash waffle – this one was over the top because it had crispy shredded gouda cheese on top:
And this butternut squash mac n cheese – holy balls is this one good! I adapted it from here, but made it more Weight Watcher friendly – left out the butter completely and scaled it back for two servings.
Anything new on your meal plan this week? I’d love to hear! I am actually doing a carb cycle again to shake things up, while still following the points for WW. Three days lower carb (around 75-100 carbs) then day 4 is high carb (175-200 carbs), day 6 is low carb (75-100) and day 7 is high carb again. I like that the two higher carb days fall on Thursday (after my weekly weigh in) and on Sunday, because that’ s a fun day! Most of my carbs will be coming from fruits and veggies.
Here’s some Monday motivation for you – make it a great day!
I love the idea of adding oats to waffle mix, I will have to try that. I often add old fashioned oats to smoothies, I find it gives my smoothies a little more staying power, so that I am not starving again an hour later.
Hey Emily! Yep, loved the texture and the staying power – it helped to have the turkey bacon too – I buy it at Sam’s Club and it’s delish. 😀
I need to make more pancakes! Here is the pasta recipe I promised. It was delicious. We used bone in and skin on chicken breasts.
Thanks for the link Jacky – it looked amazing. I am not sure why I’ve never heard of using chicken for ragu?! And I discovered I like fennel cooked – I’d only had it raw in salads before working at The Chopping Block, but cooked it mellows out.
I love waffles – both of yours look so good! I don’t own a waffle maker, though – probably for the best, LOL.
The waffle iron got lost in my basement for a while with my once in a while appliances like the crockpot etc. I only paid $15 for it online when I was shopping for Christmas gifts and before I had Amazon prime, and had to spend $15 to get free shipping, and it popped up as a suggestion and I was like “why not?!” I’ve probably used it more in the last two months than I have the last two years. 😛
The waffles look amazing. I too love it when you give us cooking tips. You were super busy in the kitchen this weekend. Lucky us!
You know it Kym! Imagine if we were neighbors we’d spend ALL our time in each others kitchen 😀 The butternut squash pasta was amazeballs – tasted so creamy and rich with only the ounce of cheese.
I love when you give tips like grinding oats in the coffee grinder to make oat flour. I see recipes that call for that and I think – Nah! I’ll never buy that or if I do I won’t use it up…
Love that sign! I bet Hannah would make one for you. 🙂
Hey Carrie! You know what the best part was? There was still espresso in the coffee grinder, so the waffles had a hint of coffee flavor – yum! And yes, I am sure Hannah could make me that sign for pennies 😀