To come back and blog yesterday – doh!

I have a doctors appointment next week and needed to have blood work done ahead of time and completely forgot about it.  I already had lunch plans downtown, but I was able to get in and out of there and make my lunch plans.

If I was by myself yesterday though I would have hit up one of these food trucks!

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I’ve never had Harold’s Chicken before, but I know it gets rave reviews.  Jacky, have you had food from the Bop Bar food truck?

My friend and I ate at Sopraffina – I haven’t been there in ages, and I think the last time I went there was with my Mom.   It’s a fast casual dining spot, but the food is made to order.  I was really really hungry since I hadn’t had any breakfast, and when I saw sausage ravioli with a spicy arrabiata sauce, I was sold.

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That picture doesn’t do any justice to the food, but this was so good – the pasta was cooked perfectly, the sauce was spicy yet flavorful.   I ate all but one ravioli and called it 18 smart points.  Thanks for paying for lunch Judy!

When I got home, Hannah and Jacob were napping, but earlier Jacob said there was a flat tire on the Ford (Tony’s car that the kids use) and he didn’t think we had the spare tire tools to put the spare tire on.  Well, never one to back away from a challenge, I tried to put the spare on when I got home.  Only one tiny error on my part – I jacked up the car before trying to take off the lug nuts and that proved to be wrong – I couldn’t budge the lug nuts at all even if I stood on it.  I finally threw in the towel.  Hannah called the 800 number on the back of our insurance car, and a guy was at our house in 30 minutes, and even fixed the flat tire – there was a nail in the tire.  I have to get new tires for the car this winter anyway, but I am glad it was a simple fix.

They were at Halloween party last night, so I had the house to myself, which was nice.  I toggled between the Cubs game and watching The Voice on my DVR.   I’ve been getting text and Facebook messages asking me if Tony would be watching the game and routing for the Cubs.  I definitely know he would watch the game, but I think that he would be routing for Cleveland!  I had a Home Run Inn pizza in the freezer, so ditched my idea of a pork chop and baked that up.  I had two slices and it was delicious.

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Hey Chicago peeps!  The Chopping Block is giving away two tickets to Chill, which is a food and wine event at the Merchandise Mart on November 10.  It’s worth $125.  Just follow the Instagram instructions below for your chance to win!

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It’s a gloomy, rainy day in Chicago today.  A perfect day to curl up with Netflix, but I am working a pasta workshop tonight.  I decided to take the train though, because traffic is horrible on it’s own, and throw in some rain, it’s even worse.

Oh, I almost forgot to pick a winner for the Cabot Cheese giveaway!  Drum roll please . .  .

True Random Number Generator:   Min 1: Max  45: Result: 35

Brandi Howard

I loved to make pineapple upside down cake and this concoction with rice, cheese, peas and jimmy dean sausage! My mom used to call it hump day cake because she would make it on Wednesday! The rice/cheese concoction is delicious and remember adding the cheese last and just watching it melt and combine with all the ingredients! That cabot cheese would be a good addition to my fave meal to make as a kid!

Congrats Brandi!  Just send me your mailing address to and I will forward it to Cabot Cheese to get your prize pack to you. 

Time to get productive before heading to work – make it a great day!