Next to pizza, I think breakfast tacos may be another favorite meal of mine. I like how you can throw anything into it, with some egg whites, and call it breakfast. I remember telling my farmers market Alberto that my local grocery store sold blue corn tortillas and he adamantly told me that I was not buying blue corn tortillas. I argued “but they are blue!” He told me “check the label.” Sure enough, what I thought were actually blue corn maze tortillas were actually regular corn tortillas with . . . blue dye #1. Damn!
It was the last two tortillas in the package, so I won’t buy these again. Oh well! These were 8 smart points.
As it’s getting towards the end of the week, some stuff gets pushed into the back of the fridge and gets forgotten. I had some cooked pasta, and in the back a jar of lasagna soup that either needed to be used up or frozen. You all know how much I love this lasagna soup, and I was trying to figure out how to take a different photograph for Instagram. Well, just because you have a DSLR doesn’t automatically mean that your pictures are going to turn out stunning. Seriously, I’ve had my camera for nearly five years and it’s still a learning process. What worked one time, doesn’t work the next because the lighting is different, etc. Case in point:
That represents six shots out of about 30 that I took. But here is the money shot:
For any of you who want to know, that was taken with a 35 mm lens, 1/30; f 1.8 and and ISO of 100. I was just happy two of the 30 I took turned out!
I never turned the heat on, so I felt compelled to wrap up the dogs. They stayed like this for a good two hours.
On my way to the gym I stopped by my local thrift store. Still looking for cheap filing cabinets. I hadn’t realized they already made the switch to Christmas stuff, and were actually playing Christmas music – too soon! But that didn’t stop me from touching and looking at all the snowmen stuff.
I did a hill climb walk/sprint on the treadmill. Walk 4.5 minutes, then sprint 30 seconds. My last sprint was at a 7:30 minute mile pace!
All three of us were home for dinner. I had half a rotisserie chicken that needed to be used up so I decided to make chicken and Cabot cheese enchiladas. I bought the Mission extra thin tortillas, but they really started to fall apart after baking in the oven for 15 minutes. It was a miracle this landed on the plate and actually looked edible.
It was 1/4 cup refried beans on the bottom (1) three tortillas (4) three ounces chicken (2) an ounce of 50% reduced fat Cabot cheese (2) 1/4 cup enchilada sauce (1) and a tablespoon of Herdez brand avocado salsa that tastes amazing for 1 point. Not pictured is half an ounce of chips for dipping. I also sauteed some baby peppers to put on top, so it was kind of like an enchilada chicken fajita.
Find this salsa – it’s so good! Two tablespoons for 2 points – even the medium is spicy so I wouldn’t go with the hot one – can’t imagine how hot that would be.
Hannah and I, along with 20 matches, managed to not only start a fire in our fireplace, but kept it going all night. It was 58 degrees in the house before we lit the fire, and about an hour later, the house was already up to 68 – nice!
Tony used to brag that it only would take him one match to get the fire going and 9/10 that was true. Maybe two matches once in a while, but I channeled him and remembered that I had to stack the wood like a teepee and make sure there is plenty of oxygen to circulate the fire. I wonder how long it will be before I don’t think about him every single day.
I am happy it’s a work weekend! Tonight and tomorrow in Lincoln Square, then inventory at Merchandise Mart early Sunday morning. I am spending the night at my Mom’s tomorrow, but I probably won’t even see her – I’ll be getting home around 11:30 and I have to leave at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday. But thanks Mom for letting me sleep there! Let me know if you are free for lunch on Sunday.
Friday traffic is a nightmare so I think I am going to drive to Lincoln Square early this afternoon. There is a YMCA three miles from my work, so I can beat the rush hour traffic since I don’t start until 5:00. With my Y membership I can go to any Chicagoland location. Nice!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend – see you on Monday!
How do you stand it without the heat on? That sounds crazy like if I never turned the AC on. LOL I have to have heat. And AC. I’m spoiled and I like to be comfortable.
As usual, your food descriptions and photos made me want all of it! And what about that blue dye? Is that in all of them, even the organic ones?????
I saw the money shot on Instagram and was amazed Even more so now seeing it on the big screen. The pips look so cute all cuddled up.
I just tried that salsa a couple of weeks ago. So good! But I agree, there is some kick to it, I can’t imagine eating the hot one.
I know you still miss Tony aka Jeff !You are so great positive and forward thinking!! Jus love following and reading you!! You make me smile!!
That was a great shot of the soup – but it makes me feel better to see how challenging it was to get it. Of course, I’d be too hungry and would have said “screw it” and just started the eating the soup but then that’s why I’m not a food blogger. Well that and the whole not liking to cook thing, LOL
Keeping thinking and dreaming of Tony!
And watching his fried rice video!
I don’t think you will not think of Tony every day and probably more and more often it will be of fond memories.
Those puppies – so cute!
My Dad passed away ten years ago ( definitely not the same as husband) I still think of him every single day. More often than not though, I find myself remembering all the fun, goofy and silly things he said and did. It warms my heart. The good stuff shines through.
I do so much editing of the photos I take with my DSLR – it’s definitely a huge learning curve for me.
I say a very, very, very long time – if ever – before you don’t think of Tony every day. Gary (who was my BIL not my husband) has been gone over 7 years and I think of him most days of the week. But I think those thoughts are what keep that person near to us, so it’s ok.
So… we were riding the ferry to Yangshua, a beautiful scenic area in China where the rock formations are jutting out everywhere like green mossy spikes from the earth and the guide yells out everyone on deck for ‘the money shot’. Well, in this case it is the money shot as it is on the 20 rmb note. I’ve got a photo of it and the bill, so hopefully I can have them framed together. Anyway now when I think of the money shot, that is what I think of. Though this looks great and my photography is always a work in progress! And for he record, lasagna soup is on my menu tonight. Zoe is flying in late tonight for just one night on her way to a wedding and she requested a home cooked meal. I decided that this would taste good at 10 at night!