Have I mentioned that Hannah and Jacob don’t really eat leftovers?  Like hardly ever.  Maybe soup.  Jacob will definitely eat cold fried chicken and steak, but that’s about it.  Tony never liked them either.  So I get to be creative with the leftovers.  And 9/10, if there is leftover beef, I will be making breakfast tacos.

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Three corn tortillas (5) filled with scrambled egg whites and spinach (0) three ounces of steak (3) 1/2 ounce of cheese (2) and a tablespoon of corn salad, red pepper, salsa, cilantro and lime (0).   10 smart points for the whole plate, but this was super filling, which I’ll explain saved my ass in a bit.  For local Chicagoans, I love El Milagro tortillas.  And I “Pam” fried these tacos with a lot of Pam cooking spray.  They are crunchy – promise!

The key to crunchy tacos not using oil – is you have to cook these low and slow – like about 5 minutes per side, but I promise, it’s worth the wait!!


It was the perfect weather yesterday, although I could still stand it to be 10 degrees cooler.  It was 70 degrees.  No humidity and not a cloud in the sky.

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But you can tell by the trees and the ground that fall is coming!

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My Mom is going to be jealous, but Hannah found me a bunch of Life is Good t-shirts at a garage sale.  I love how soft they are!

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I packed up my lunch to eat in the car to work.  Just a turkey spinach wrap in a 2 point tortilla, some Pretzel thins, a banana and an apple.   For some reason I stuck the apple and banana in my bag, and walked off without my sammie and pretzel thins – nertz.

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I ate the apple on my way to work.  And luckily there was some leftover salmon (which I loved!) so I had a couple ounces of that.  I also ate some popcorn and a cookie and right before the party started I ate my banana.

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The class last night learned how to make pasta without a food processor.  They also made shrimp scampi, a caprese salad and amaretto cookie stuffed baked peaches.  I loved Chef Joey that I worked with last night.  He’s very meticulous, but is laid back at the same time if that makes any sense.  I just have to keep remembering about the difference between classes and private events.  In the classes, the head chef does 90% of the talking and we just fill in as needed and do the prep work.  I learned a lot though!  And I like my wine set up.  We suggest a white and red that will pair well with the meal, and students get 10% of anything in the store on class night, and also 15% off anything they specifically use in class – which is the board right next to the wine set up.   I basically scooped up the stuff I would buy if I were taking the class:  Maldon salt, balsamic glaze, grapeseed oil,  and an epicurean cutting board.  That is one of the first things on my list of stuff to buy once my discount kicks in.  It’s a wood composite cutting board that is nonporous, impervious to knife cuts and is dishwasher safe.


So by the time I got home, I was hangry!  So frozen pizza it was.  I ended up eating half of this Tombstone pizza.  I figured out the points on my WW app, and thought half the pizza was 15 points.  Well, turns out I bought “Roadhouse” Tombstone pizza and after taking the actual nutritional facts off the label – the whole pizza is 56 POINTS!!   Yes, you read that correctly.  So my half pizza cost me 28 smart points.  Probably not the best idea the night before weigh in?!  My only saving grace?  Check out my steps yesterday!

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So fingers crossed I didn’t sabotage my weigh in today.  It’s all good though.  Another gorgeous day and today’s class is grilling Beef in Lincoln Square!  There is a 30% chance of rain, so fingers crossed it stays away. 

You’ll have to follow me on Instagram (mybizzykitchen) if you want to see how my WI goes today.  Wish me luck.  Make it a great day!