I can’t believe how fast the weekend goes by, especially since I work the farmers markets both days.  Our weather was perfect, in the mid-80’s – a little less humidity, which helped a lot.  Doesn’t mean I didn’t sweat a lot, but during the market hours when I was selling, it wasn’t too bad.

The highlight of my weekend though was going to my friend Whitney’s sons 7th birthday party.  Long time readers will remember that Whitney is the interior decorator that decorated the front half of my house, or basically the part of my house that I want to live in the most.  It doesn’t matter that she’s an attorney by day, she has an eye for design! 

I went straight from the market to her house.  Hannah met me there and brought me a shirt to change into.  Luckily she had a petting zoo, so if anyone smelled my farmers market sweaty body, they could blame it on the animals!

I was starving by the time I got there, and she had delicious catered food – just balls and a beer made me very happy.  Um, meatballs!

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Can I tell you who was most excited about the petting zoo?  That would be Hannah.  Seriously, I might have to have a 1/2 birthday celebration in September because she loved hanging out with the animals!

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My friend’s nephew has THE BEST freckles I’ve ever seen.  And can I ask why boys always get the best eyelashes??!!

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He was actually laughing in the next picture I took – the kids took turns putting feed on their tummies and letting the animals eat – it was super cute, but I loved how this picture turned out.  And all these pics were taken on my iPhone. Open-mouthed smile

I don’t need to bore you with the details of the markets this weekend – it’s kind of like wash, rinse repeat.  I enjoyed each market, talking to the customers as usual and both markets went by really fast. 

I have to give a shout out to Hannah though.  Half way through the market I saw that she texted me, and it was nearly an hour before I was able to respond.  She said “don’t worry about dinner – I’ve got it!”

crock pot french dip

Don’t blink your eyes.  My daughter made French dip crock pot sammies!  They are delish.  The meat was so tender.  And even though she added whole sliced onions to the crock pot, she left them big enough so I could pick them out.  And on top is my work’s house made giardiniera.  And she picked up Turano Bread mini sub sandwiches, so this was the perfect dinner after a long day.  Thanks Hannah – love you to the moon and back!

So this is a super quick post, because I am actually working a farmers market today and am leaving in a few minutes – at the crack of 4:00 a.m.!  But then I have the next two days off, so it’s all good.  My “weekend” will be delayed by a day – no big!

What was the highlight of your weekend?!  Make it a great day!