Last Friday I found myself with half a dozen really really ripe bananas.  No one in the house would eat them like that, so I decided to bring muffins to take to work last Saturday.  I thought it would be a bit of sunshine at 5:00 a.m. in the morning when everyone is still tired and wished they were still in bed.  I am partial to Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips – my Sam’s Club sells a 30 ounce bag for $7.98!

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I am also very partial to my muffin pan from Williams Sonoma.  I bought it with a gift card, because I would never pay $30 for a muffin tin, but it produces perfect muffins every single time.  Nothing worse than taking the time to make muffins only to have them stick and look like ass trying to take them out.   They were a big hit.  Light and fluffy with the bit of granola crunch on top, and well I think bananas and chocolate chips go together like peas and carrots.


I had my weigh in yesterday.  Two weeks of a loss, only to gain this past week.  Story of my life!


My three square meals a day are spot on, it’s just all the other crap that ends up in my mouth during the week.  But if I weren’t on Weight Watchers, I could easily have gained 30 pounds by now, so I am still taking maintenance as a victory.

It was a gorgeous day yesterday so I got my walking shoes on before it got too hot.  Jenn, this picture is for you!  She and I love fluffy clouds and believe you can’t have too many pictures of them.


Before I headed out for my meeting in Chicago, I made lasagna soup.  Now you all know I’ve made this soup a bazillion times over the years, but I switched it up a bit and tried Gina’s recipe from Skinny Taste.  The only thing I did use two cups of my Cherry Tomato Basil Soup and I didn’t have lasagna noodles, so cooked up 2 ounces of rotini and added that to my soup.  This generous 2+ cup of soup is 9 smart points and totally filling.


I know a lot of you can’t even stomach soup in the summer time, but I could eat it any day of the year.  Mind you, I wouldn’t eat this if I was sitting on a beach, but in an air conditioned house – no problem!

Before I knew it, it was time to head downtown.  Hannah did my makeup and trimmed my bangs.  My grey hair is coming back!


The meeting went very well I think.  It lasted 90 minutes, so that’s a good sign right?  I wish I could tell you more, but I don’t want to jinx it.  But I’ll leave you with this hint:


Aren’t I a horrible tease?!   Right across the street from where I was is Gene’s Sausage Shop.   I bought skinless all beef hot dogs and decided that would be dinner.  Nothing like a butcher shop hot dog.  I had mine on a Turano bun, dill pickles, lot’s of Plochman’s mustard and hot sauce.  Perfect combo.  9 smart points Open-mouthed smile


It’s back to work today.  The weather looks to be great too – high of 84 and no rain – I’ll take it! 

If you haven’t already left a comment on my giveaway, it’s not too late – winner will be chosen on Friday’s post.  Good luck and make it a great day!