Yep, the queen of maintenance is what you can call me!


Up .8 for the week, and up .4 since April 21, so basically the same as when I started going back to WW meetings.  And while I wish the scale was going down, I do know that being aware of what I eat has prevented me from being 200 pounds by now.  This last week I don’t think I packed enough food when I was working at the farmers market, and I found myself eating a lot when I got home.  I plan to remedy that this week.  After my WW meeting, I had to get my oil changed in my car.  There is a really good breakfast place across the street, and since I get my oil change free at the dealership, the downside is that it usually takes an hour instead of 10 minutes at Jiffy Lube. 

Instead of eating pancakes, I ate my packed breakfast – an egg white and spinach breakfast wrap, some grapes and water.  Then got my walking shoes on and walked for 45 minutes.  By the time I got home it was nearly lunch time.  I bought a 30 pack of eggs a couple weeks ago at Sam’s Club – they are brown organic eggs and I couldn’t pass up the price, but I realized I really need to start using more eggs before they are no longer good.  It was in the 60’s yesterday, so quiche sounded good!


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Each quarter of the pie is only 6 smart points.  I paired it with some sliced cucumbers and some watermelon.  I ran a couple errands in the afternoon, to come home and find that the dogs found some fabric that Hannah bought at the thrift store and were tearing it apart.  We all know it’s Roman, the puppy, that does the damage, but Rummy feels so guilty she runs, shakes and hides.  The little pieces next to the fabric?  One of Hannah’s head bands that’s chewed into a dozen pieces.  I like how Roman is looking at me like “what are you so upset about?!”


The kidults both worked late last night, so I made tacos – something easy they could heat up when they got home.  Hannah had a rough day at work.  If anyone uses a credit card for square and asks for an email receipt, at every other place that uses square to take credit cards, it has the email address saved and will automatically send an email receipt.  One man ordered a sandwich, and when Hannah brought it to him he said “why did you tell my wife I got a sandwich!”  Apparently the email address in the system for the credit card was his wife’s email address, and while he was waiting for his sandwich, she got the receipt and texted him asking “I hope you are enjoying your sandwich!”  Gah.  He stormed out of the place saying “I am never f_cking coming to this place again!” 


My store sells blue corn tortillas, and I absolutely love them.  I used some of the ground beef I got from that primal cut of beef from The Fresh Market, and while it’s only 2 ounces, it’s 4 points because it’s probably 80/20.  I added 1/2 ounce of cheese, baby spinach, and Rick Bayless’s ancho chile salsa.  So good! The only difference is that I used 10 dried ancho chiles for this recipe – and because those are dried poblano peppers (I think!) it’s flavorful spicy, not knock your socks off spicy.  And I grilled the tomatillos so they were really charred before blending in the blender.  It’s so smokey too – Hannah said she could just eat it with a spoon!

I have to give congrats to my niece Claire!  She graduated from 8th grade last night.  Not only did she get straight A’s all through middle school, she also had perfect attendance.  It sucked though that they ditched the honors breakfast they usually do because of funding, and she got no recognition, other than graduating, of her awesome accomplishments.  I know she’ll be like Marsha Brady when she goes to high school and be involved in all sorts of things there.  So proud of you!



I slept in a bit this morning, because today is my long work day – the 167 round trip farmers market to Hillside, up to Grayslake, back to Hillside and then home.  My only saving grace is that someone else is using their car to pack because it’s bigger than mine, which will make all the difference.  Being a passenger on a 45 minute drive one way is not as tiring as having to do it myself.  And it’s supposed to be a beautiful day, so I’ve got that going for me.

Alright, off to fix some breakfast – and after looking at those tacos above, I just might have to make breakfast tacos!  Make it a great day!