Loyal readers will be happy to hear that I will be back to blogging five days a week!  I have so many new recipes to share, that I don’t want to overload a post with too much stuff, so I’ll be spreading out the recipes Monday-Friday.  So those of you who wake up, get your coffee and then check up on what I am up to, you’re welcome! Open-mouthed smile

It was a gorgeous weather weekend in Chicago.  Saturday was cool but sunny – actually my favorite day, while yesterday the temps neared 80 degrees – our spring is so unpredictable.  The best part about this time of year is that the temps only dip to around the mid-40s overnight – perfect sleeping weather with my bedroom window wide open.  If Tony were still here, he’d be under three down comforters, and meanwhile I mostly sleep on top of my covers in a tank top and pajama pants. 

I forgot to take after pictures, so I’ll share that tomorrow, by my new windows that were installed on Friday are amazing.  I made some skinny blueberry muffins on Friday morning (recipe coming soon!) before the installer came in and I greeted him with fresh coffee from the Keurig and warm muffins and he told me that it already was going to be the best day ever.  You all know I love sharing my food!  He told me that he thought it would take about 4 hours to install 5 custom windows, but he ended up taking him just over 7 hours. 

I basically fed him all day with chicken quesadillas for lunch, homemade jalapeno cheddar bread in the afternoon, and lots of coffee during the day.  Pretty sure I am was his favorite customer evah.   But I didn’t expect him to be here nearly all day, so my grocery shopping got pushed until Saturday, which I’ve learned now that I am self-employed is the worst day to go to the grocery store.  Know what is the best day?  Monday around mid-morning.  I literally have five people helping me at the deli and the $1 rack is chock full.

I didn’t really grocery shop since getting back from Virginia other than coffee creamer and fruit.  I started cleaning out the kitchen late Saturday morning and realized I had ground sirloin that needed to be eaten or frozen.  Friday night I made Jacob chicken wings that I defrosted them from the freeze.r.  Lordy, I love a buffalo chicken wing.  But not the healthiest thing to have on the Weight Watcher program.  Not that I couldn’t have them, but I wasn’t willing to use up my weekly smart points so early in the week. 

So I did a quick search of “buffalo burger” and before I got too far I saw Kevin from Closet Cooking’s jalapeno popper buffalo chicken meatball appetizer that looked so good.  I

I adapted his recipe to what I had on hand.  And to make it more of a meal, I decided to use up the last of the romaine and veggies I had on hand to make it a baby buffalo burger salad.


The best part is that this whole salad came in at 7 smart points!  #love.  It was the best of both worlds – beef – duh, and the spiciness of the Frank’s hot sauce.  Who said buffalo stuff couldn’t be beef instead of chicken?!


Yesterday I ended up meeting my Mom at her church, and then going out to lunch with her.  I did end up seeing my twin sister to go grocery shopping and it was nice seeing my niece Claire – can’t believe she’ll be graduating 8th grade already this year.  Hannah is exactly 10 years older than Claire – Hannah is the oldest grandchild and Claire is the youngest.   Shelley, you will like that the snapchat face I did on Claire isn’t too scary!

PicMonkey Collage

I have to give a shout out to my friend Laura from church – she read on my blog last week that I was going to be visiting, and brought me a bag of cheese (Cabot is sold at Aldi!) a cute snowman and hot sauce.  She knows me so well!  Thanks Laura!  My Mom and I ended up going to The Little Gem Café in Oak Park. I’ve seriously been jonesing for that burger since the last time I had it, and I was not disappointed!


I ended up eating 1/2 of it for 10 points, and had about 5 points in fries for a 15 point lunch.  That’s the best part about the Weight Watcher program, it takes the guilt out of eating something decadent like that because I counted the points for it and moved on.  I ended up only going over by 4 points for the day yesterday!  #beyondthescale

I had plans after grocery shopping to meet up with my friend Jacky, but my Mom got a text that a bakers rack she was interested in on Craigs list was available but it had to be picked up yesterday, so I rescheduled with Jacky and we picked it up and I headed back to my Mom’s house.  We’ll get together soon Jacky! 

I am headed to Chicago today!  My blog friend Carrie of Season It Already is in town with her husband celebrating their wedding anniversary, and they squeezed me into their plans to have breakfast at The Little Goat.   Then I am headed to the Cook County Building to get a copy of my birth certificate – I am getting a passport – I’ve never had one!   Not that I need it right now, but I’d like to be prepared.  Then headed to my sisters office and we are going to get our walking shoes on and walk around the lake front.  I’ll be killing it on the steps today!

Alright, time to get this show on the road – make it a great day!  See you tomorrow.