I loved reading all your comments about food memories growing up or with your own families now.  That is the one common denominator that everyone has to eat, and I love how many family memories are created around the dinner table.

Without further ado, the winner of the ChopChop Magazine subscription and the $25 cheese box from Cabot Cheese is . . .

True Random Number GeneratorMin: 1  Max:  65  Result: 44


Fried dough on meatless Fridays growing up. Sometimes with sauce and cheese like mini pizzas or with jam or powdered sugar.

Congrats Kathy!  Send me your mailing information to mybizzykitchen@gmail.com


With temps in the 70s, it hasn’t felt like full on comfort food weather, but I had a taste for pumpkin pancakes.  Not kidding I started this recipe 30 minutes before I had to leave the house for work, and it was just fine.  I cooked off two pancakes and stuck the rest of the batter in the fridge for later.  I am loving Silk Unsweetened Cashew milk lately.  25 calories per cup and it’s super tasty and I’ve been subbing it for heavy cream or milk in recipes.

1 cup flour
1/2 cup oats
1.5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup canned pumpkin
2 medium eggs
3/4 cup Cashew Milk

Mix the flour, oats, baking powder, cinnamon and sugar.  Add in the pumpkin, eggs and cashew milk and stir just until the eggs and the batter are combined.  Cook over medium/low heat for about 2 minutes per side.  These are super thick and dense pancakes and so filling I ended up eating only 1 1/2 instead of two.

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Even though it was nice outside, I decided that I wanted to run at lunch.  I decided to see how long it would take me to run 2 miles without stopping, and my time wasn’t too bad, considering I haven’t run that much in the last couple months.

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Lunch was more lasagna soup!  Although this time with fusilli pasta instead of the baby cheese ravioli.  I need to get a better knife for the office – the knife skills on my spinach is awful!

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My blog friend Louise has been using Blue Apron for a few weeks and has been loving the diversity and new dishes that she normally wouldn’t have tried on her own.  Now Louise enjoys cooking just as much as I do, and I thought that having Blue Apron would kind of be cheating at cooking.  I don’t know why.  Mostly because I, like most food bloggers, love going to the grocery store.  Tony used to make so much fun of me when we went grocery shopping because I would literally touch just about everything in the produce section.

The box came while I was at work.  When I got home both Hannah and Jacob were out, but Hannah left me a note telling me where to find the food in the fridge from Blue Apron.

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On the menu this week was jerk chicken, pork meatballs and a pasta casserole.  I hadn’t had pork in a while, and noticing that the recipe called for pea shoots and fresh mint, I decided to do that recipe first so that the fresh herbs wouldn’t go bad.

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Yes, you are looking correctly and see that I do have an onion on my shitty ass kitchen counter.  While the recipe called for HALF of that onion, um, I used about a tablespoon super finely chopped in the recipe.  Baby steps guys, baby steps!  I also added garlic because I love garlic in balls.  Don’t you?!   While the sushi rice cooked, I chopped up the onion and garlic and sauteed that with the “pork meatball spice blend.”  Not sure exactly what’s in it, but it smelled like lemongrass and coriander.    Then I added the ground pork with the panko bread crumbs, and added the cooked onion/garlic/spice blend and formed my balls.  The recipe called for making 16 mini meatballs (this feeds two people by the way) and I ended up with 18.  Sauté the meatballs to get a crust, then add water, some of the soy glaze and rice vinegar to the pan to form a sauce while the balls finished cooking.

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I chopped up fresh mint, took pea shoots off the stem for a garnish while the meatballs cooked.  Then it was just a matter of putting things together!   Lettuce cup, some of the sticky rice, I ended up with three meatballs per cup, then topped with the pea shoots and chopped mint.  There was leftover glaze for dipping, but I ended up drizzling just a bit of the glaze over the meatballs.  And I did add sriracha for a bit of heat.

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I left off the pickled red onion, but other than that, I pretty much followed the recipe as written.  It took me 24 minutes from beginning to end – faster than take out or ordering a pizza! 

But here’s the thing.  These meals feed two people.  When I looked at what I was being sent I said “Hannah wouldn’t eat any of these” so I planned on making her macaroni and cheese or pepperoni pizza, you know, kind of like a picky 5 year old. Open-mouthed smile

She got home just as I was finishing taking pictures and she said “Wow, those look good.”  I told her she could have one of my lettuce cups and guess what?  She loved them!  Seriously, she didn’t mind the pork at all!!  #winning

Tonight I am making a baked pasta dish that calls for kale.  Not the hugest fan of kale, but who knows, maybe I’ll be like Hannah and actually love it tonight!

Time to get this show on the road – make it a great day!