I actually got up a bit early to squeeze a walk in before work yesterday, it’s been so long since I’ve done that.  The weather was overcast, but around 57 degrees – perfect!  And it was so calm – see how still the channel to the river is?

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I may have also jammed to Pitbull on the way to work – something about that song just puts me in a good mood!

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I posted a picture of one of the apples from my friends house that we picked over the weekend and put it on Instagram asking for apple ideas.  My blog/instagram friend Cindy said “brie and apple sandwich!”  Well that got me thinking.  It’s been a long time since I’ve had my apple cheddar bread, but I decided to kind of take that idea and make a breakfast bruschetta.  I scrambled egg whites.  I toasted two slices of everything bread from Walmart and added sliced apples, the egg whites, chopped baby spinach and cheese on top and put it in the office toaster oven.   With a touch of cracked pepper on top (yes, I have a container of cracked pepper at the office!) it was the perfect mix of sweet and savory.  And that whole plate?  367 calories!

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Around lunch time the clouds parted and it was an absolutely gorgeous day here in Chicagoland.  65 and sunny for my lunch time walk?  Yes please!  I was only planning on walking for two miles, but I felt good, no coughing, so I ended up doing three miles.  It took me 49:12 seconds, but that’s okay.  When I got back to work I just made a quick turkey and low fat swiss lorraine panini with veggies and lemon hummus from Aldi.

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I decided to take the back roads home yesterday because there is so much construction going on.   Can anyone spot Tony in this picture? Open-mouthed smile

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Over the weekend when I was meal planning I showed a picture of an alfredo pasta dish and asked Hannah and Jacob if they would eat it.  They both took one look at it, and basically said “without all the veggies.”  But then I looked at the ingredient list and was like “one cup of heavy cream?!”  ONE tablespoon has 45 calories!  So I switched gears, went on Pinterest like the Pinterest whore that I am, and quickly found Damn Delicious’ Skinny Alfredo and used her sauce for my dish.

I used Aldi’s light cream cheese spread – two tablespoons for 30 calories – nice!   I also used Hillshire Farms smoked turkey sausage.   I would have mixed it all together with the pasta, but I decided to leave the sausage and zucchini separate so they could pick out the zucchini, but happy to say they both enjoyed the zucchini!

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Guys – this is pure fall comfort food in a bowl.  Had I not made it myself I would have never realized that it was a healthier version of alfredo sauce.  Most recipes I saw started with one stick of butter!

So when I download my pictures every night, I normally just put the date on the folder to download to my computer.  It sorts my photos chronologically, so I clicked on 10/6 of last year and saw this picture:

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And yesterday’s weigh in?

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So I’ve basically lost 2.2 pounds in a year!  But I consider that a victory.  For the emotional eater that I am, and with everything we went through at Mayo this time last year, through Tony’s death, and the kids (and dogs!) moving in) and just everything that went along with that, I easily could have been over 200 pounds by now.  And yes, I know I am in desperate need of a pedicure – I have an appointment on Saturday.  In the whole grand scheme of things, it’s all good.

Check out how many I got in yesterday!

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Make it a great day!