How Tony stayed home sick for all the time that he did.  Unable to do much but sit and watch t.v. all day long.  Day after day.  I got back from urgent care by 9:45 after stopping by the pharmacy.  I still have no appetite, but managed to have some toast and coffee.  They had me wear a mask in the waiting room since I was hacking up a lung.

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I got my comfy clothes on, got under the blanket with Rummy and started to binge watch Ray Donovan.  I tagged the show on Instagram, and I love that they responded to feel better and enjoy the show!

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But even after watching a show that I was interested in, it gets pretty boring after a while.  I have an inhaler and after I use that I feel pretty good and then I think “maybe I can do something around the house since I am home?” but then after a couple minutes the coughing comes back with a vengeance and I just had to sit still.  Which is very hard for me.  The interior work is done in the living room and our next step is to paint.  I would like to get the living room finished before Christmas (kidding, hopefully it will be WAY before that) because after painting comes the hardwood floor installation and my friend is helping me decorate.  Thank goodness!  I sent her this picture of our dog below and said “ignore the furniture.”  Mind you, this is my comfy chair in the back family room, but I know while comfy, it’s pretty hideous.

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So after I told her to ignore the furniture, her reply was “I can’t.  It’s not in my nature.  I’ll ignore it when it’s no longer a factor.”  Ha! 

Here’s the thing with being sick and having diabetes.  If I eat something, I have to give myself insulin to balance the food I’ve just eaten to control my blood sugars.  Well, if I cough so hard I throw up, there goes the food but the insulin stays with me, so either I have low blood sugar and need to eat something else, or the stress of coughing raises it – yesterday I could never get my blood sugar below 250. 

Around 4 I finally made some plain pasta – just a bit of Amish butter I got in Madison, salt, pepper and parsley.  Perfection.

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So the rest of my afternoon I spent taking pictures of the dogs from my chair.  It beat watching The Facts of Life.  Holy lord I watched about 10 minutes of that show and cannot believe how bad the acting was, but at the time I thought it was the best show on T.V.!

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I am sure I’ve told you of Photo Toaster, but it’s a .99 cent app that photo editing app – so many possibilities!  The right one is a straight shot from my iPhone the one on the left is backlit.  Rummy was my snuggle bug all day yesterday and could not have been happier to have someone to sleep next to all day!

I am venturing to work – hoping that I don’t have to walk around much and keep busy right at my desk.  I think after the meds kick in by the end of the day I’ll start to be on the road to recover.  I missed my running club last night too – it was 1 minute of walking and 9 minutes of running.  I’ll have to work up to it since I’ve been off my feet for over a week now.  I will never take being healthy for granted ever again. 

Alright, time to put stuff to make a smoothie together for breakfast and take some of Hannah’s delicious chicken noodle soup for lunch.  Make it a great day!