One of the best things about cleaning a refrigerator is finding things you forgot you had!   All the way in the back, it must have fallen out of my lunch meat drawer, was an UNOPENED package of jalapeno havarti!  So spicy! 

I made an egg white/half bagel sammie with ham and jalapeno havarti:

  • 2.2 ounce bagel
  • 1.25 diced Easter ham
  • 1 ounce jalapeno havarti
  • handful of baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup egg whites
I got this at Aldi of all places - for like $1.79!
I got this at Aldi of all places - for like $1.79!
Cheezy goodness.  Seriously, I don't know what I would do without cheese in my diet!  Breakfast comes in at 410 calories 17 grams of fat and 32 carbs
Cheezy goodness. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without cheese in my diet! Breakfast comes in at 410 calories 17 grams of fat and 32 carbs

I did not wake up to go work out today, instead I chose to snuggle in bed this morning with Tony and the dog – perfect way to start the day if you ask me! 😀

Totally off topic, but I ran across this earlier today – my daughter and I absolutely LOVE TGI Friday’s Fried Green Bean appetizer.  Nothing healthy about it, but with the wasabi dipping sauce, its to die for.  We kind of chalk it up to “we are eating vegetables, right?” 

Here is a recipe to make them at home – with a wasabi cucumber dip!  Can’t wait to try it!

Okay, morning break is over . . .come back for mystery soup (fingers crossed its not pasta sauce – I think its red pepper soup??) and spinach salad with orange slices and walnuts.