I am absolutely loving our weather lately.  Cool mornings, the last couple days it’s been low humidity and in the low 70s.  My perfect weather – I just need it to be like that every day in Chicago, okay?  That’s not too much to ask, right?

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Sadly I had to go to work early yesterday so I didn’t get to enjoy the weather on a walk.  But I did get to move 300 plastic bins into our offices storage unit that were delivered bright and early yesterday morning.

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And this morning I have the lovely opportunity to replace or decaying bankers boxes with these plastic bins – just for the record – two bankers boxes of documents fit into each one of these bins, which means they will be heavy as a MF.  I am just taking the positive spin that I will be getting steps in and getting a strength workout!

Before I left I had one scrambled egg with a piece of toast.  I had my second breakfast around 9:30 when I got back to the office.  OMG, have you tried Nature Valley’s protein bars?  I had the peanut and dark chocolate one and it’s pretty amazeballs.  And I found pepper jack string cheese!

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My co-worker had some errands to run, so it was just me on my walk.  My goal is always to get each mile faster in my 3 mile walk.  I actually jogged a portion of my last mile so my last mile was 13:11 – nice!

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So yesterday before leaving work I look at my meal plan and realize I never made the chicken tortilla soup that was supposed to be TWO of my lunches this week.  So I just grabbed stuff and threw it in the bag to figure it out later.  Not gonna lie, this paper plate lunch was delicious!  Leftover pizza from last weeks Party Pizza Friday, cucumbers with garlic hummus and carrots.  It just makes me happy looking at this plate of food.

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I knew I was going to the gym after work and with the walk already under my belt, I thought, maybe I should do a mini triathlon today?  I was so excited to swim outside until I realized there was a swim meet going on (not gonna lie, I just typed meat – ha!).  Wow can these kids swim!  Makes me a bit jealous.  So I had my bathing suit on, put shorts and a t-shirt on and did 5 miles on the bike in just under 25 minutes, then swam for 25 minutes straight.  I am slow and steady, but I finished my mini-triathlon!

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So the kids were working until 8:00 last night, so I thought I’d make Tony’s fried rice for dinner.  It heats up well and blog friend Sam (check out her s’mores pancakes!) said she just watched the video the other day when she made it and I hadn’t made it in ages.  Our rice maker is on the fritz, so I did the rice on the stove top – it actually turned out nice and fluffy – nice!

Well since I went to the gym after work, and I ran a couple errands, I didn’t get home until 7:00.  I quickly started getting my tortilla soup stuff together, started cooking the rice – everything was coming together just as the kids came home around 8:15.  Jacob just wanted chicken, rice and egg in his.  Hannah had been at a work event where there was food, so she only wanted rice.  Just as I was about to  put my food together, my cousin called and I talked to her for about 10 minutes.  By now it’s going on 8:40 and I was getting hangry.

So I am just about to plate my food when Hannah notices a small bug in her rice – we’ve had a couple moths in the kitchen and they must have gotten into my freshly opened bag of rice.  We haven’t had that problem for a couple years, so now I have to go back and throw out everything in a box or bag, and put everything in mason jars and plastic containers with lids.  So right as I was about to eat, I threw it all in the garbage.

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Look at all those gorgeous veggies!  Gah.  So now I go to Plan B, which is to just make a quick pizza – by the time it cooked and cooled enough to eat, it was nearly 9:15.  Only good thing about that is I only had two small pieces because it was so late in the evening.  Oh well, can’t win them all!

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Check out all my steps yesterday!

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I probably won’t get near that today.  Going back to the storage unit for half my work day, then I have a happy hour with a co-worker and her friend and then dinner out with another friend.  How popular am I?

Two more days until the weekend – make it a great day!