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Our little group of 101 Days of Summer Challenge on Facebook is quite inspiring.  I love that we are all giving each other ideas on how to get in more water, move if you are stuck studying in the library, or help with meal planning.  My long time blog friend Errign (we’ve “known” each other since January of 2009 I think?) put this on our Facebook page (come join us – we won’t bite!  Send me an email at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com to join the party!) and I loved the message.

Not because it has the F word in it (ha!) but it’s like a 1 2 3 for success.

  • Decide What you Want
  • Write it Down
  • Make a Fucking Plan
  • Work on it EVERY SINGLE DAY

But what I take from that is that reaching any goal – from getting a better job, to losing weight, or running a faster 5k – it all takes work.  I know a lot of us, myself included THINK all the time about what it is we want to do, but actually making a plan and putting it in action can be daunting, intimidating, and lets face it – maybe even scary?  Scary to know what’s on the other side?  So I cut out that clipping and put it on the inside of my journal so I see it every day to remind myself that this is a process and that by WORKING on it every single day, I’ll eventually reach my goal. 


It was really weird outside yesterday morning.  Cloudy, not really.  Hazy?  Maybe a bit.  I walked down to the river and the water is as still as I’ve ever seen it and there was this glow around the sun.  I ended up taking the longer route that took me uphill instead of cutting it short and taking the easier route.  Even though I was only gone 20 minutes, I had over 2000 steps by the time I got back home – remember it’s #wycwyc.  I could have easily spent that 20 minutes on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.

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I later learned that day that the haze around the sun was actually smoke from fires in Canada – how crazy is that?? 

So you all know I am the queen or leftovers, or taking ingredients from one dish to put in another.  The night before lasts taco salad morphed into TACO Tuesday!  Yeah!  I scrambled some egg whites with leftover taco meat, corn and black beans and made two breakfast tacos – then topped them with red cabbage, cucumbers, the Magic Green Sauce and of course some Tapatio.  These tacos were super filling and delicious and 29 grams of protein!

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My co-worker and I got our walking shoes on – it was humid and 80 degrees, but I always bring an extra shirt to change into and that seems to work.  I bought some Deep Woods Off so I wouldn’t get any ticks.  After spraying myself with sunscreen, then going outside and dousing myself with Off, I told my friend “nobody better fucking light a cigarette or I’ll blow up real good!”  Lunch was a steak and veggie stir fry

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While we were walking I got a notification on my phone that Turano Bread shared one of my grilled cheese sandwiches – love the link love!  And I love Turano Bread.  Not sure if it’s Turano is only a local bakery of you can get it anywhere else, but it’s in most of the Chicagoland grocery stores and it’s pretty amazeballs.

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I knew I wasn’t going to workout last night, because I know me.  If I try to do too much, too soon, I know my bronchitis will come back with a vengeance.   Plus I knew I wanted to stop by a Farmer’s Market on my way home from work – the first one of the year!  Well, it was a bust. One woman was selling paintings, another was selling pre-packaged dips, there was only one woman who had fresh produce, but nothing that looked so awesome I had to have it.  And her canned goods looked as if she’s packed and unpacked them over and over, the labels were all kind of worn.  And there were only four vendors and one of them was so far down on the parking lot for some reason I didn’t even bother to go see what was in that tent.  Oh well!

I had grilling on the menu – burgers for dinner last night then grilling up some chicken for Jacob for lunches.  I love that he loves cheap meat – chicken legs and quarters were only $.69 cents  pound so I think the whole mound of chicken was just over $3 – nice!

I had Red and Rummy hanging out with me.  All was well until they decided to run across the street, down the hill of my neighbors yard, almost to the channel of the river all to try and catch a bunny.  That’s the first time they have left the property with me being outside with them.  Um, they didn’t get a treat when they came back in!

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I promise you that it was only one ounce of cheese on my burger – I have them slice it thick so each slice is pre-portioned at one ounce each.  You can never have too much cheese!

And guess what?  I had my favorite beer in the house (New Belgium Fat Tire).  I have my favorite wine (Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc) and guess what I drank while I was grilling?  Lime water!

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I got a new app for drinking water.  It’s called Water Lite and its free.  You just put your water on the “table” after you drink a cup of water – for my weight it said I needed to drink 91 ounces of water.

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I downloaded it at 10:45 when I had already had three glasses of water.  It’s interesting to see the gap between 1:30 and 3:50 between drinking water!   It definitely helped me get my water in, and I got kudos when I met the goal – love kudos. Open-mouthed smile

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I have a couple shout outs and link love today. 

First is a new blog that is live now – it’s called Soulful Soul and it’s written by a medical student. He asked me a while back if he could link to my blog on his several months ago, and I didn’t hesitate because I loved his idea for his blog – it’s perfect for someone who is just starting out on their own, or who is a novice in the kitchen.  He even has instructional videos.  You can check it out here.  Thanks Marquis for the link love.

And I forgot to mention it here, but my blog friend Ally put together a two week Aldi menu for a family of five for two weeks for only $170!  You have to check it out – this weekend I plan on shopping Aldi to see how it compares to my local grocery store.

Alright, this blog post is long enough if I haven’t lost you already – time to get my walking shoes on – I have a whole hour before I need to leave for work – so much time for activities!

Make it a great day!