1 tablet = 15 calories, 0 fat, 4 carbs

Before I found these glucose tabs (.99 at the drug store), I had to bring a granola bar whenever I worked out.  I’d be cruising along on the elliptical machine when all of a sudden my eyes would start getting black spots, I sweat PROFUSELY (its gross, trust me!) and then in order to keep going, I’d have to eat to get my blood sugar up quickly.

 I am sure people are looking at me asking “why is she eating while working out?!”  So if the machine said I burned 300 calories, 120 was “spent” with eating the granola bar. 

Well these taste like sweet tarts and instantly improve my blood sugars.  As in today, after I worked out at lunch I checked my blood sugar and it was 57 and falling.  I ate one while I did my cool down.  Got back to my desk, checked it again, and it was up to 74.  Still kind of low, so I ate another and am by the time I got home, it was a comfortable 103. 

And I only “spent” 30 calories! 

We just got back from working out, so a late dinner.  I am off to cook!