I seem to be on a breakfast burrito kick, and I am okay with that!  I ended up having the last of my leftover steak in a breakfast burrito and had one of the Harry & David pears sent to me from Extended Stay America – OMG, these pears are so good.  My Mom got these pears as a work gift many years ago and I don’t think there has been a single Christmas season where I don’t end up eating one someway or somehow.

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I still had more errands to run at lunch.  While all my out of town packages are done, now I am buying for my immediate family for my Mom’s Christmas on Sunday.   Work has been pretty slow so I have been trying to come up with things to fill my time.  I saw on Pinterest how you can make nail polish art on coffee mugs.  Huh.   I bought a cheap mug at Michael’s, and I already had blue nail polish at my desk.  You simple spread some of the nail polish into a container of warm water – you’ll see a film develop on top of the water, and you just dip your mug in and tada!

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The only thing I failed to do was not give myself some room to put my lips – pretty sure I don’t want to taste nail polish with my coffee!   Best part is that if you don’t like how the pattern turns out, you just get rid of the nail polish with. . . nail polish remover!

If you follow me on Instagram (and why aren’t you if don’t?!  My Bizzy Kitchen!) you’ll know that my boss, once again, ate all my chips because she worked late and was hungry.  In exchange she gave me an almost rotten banana that’s been sitting on her desk and said I could probably make banana muffins with it.  Gah.  So one of my stops on my errands was to pick up a side of chips and salsa from Moe’s.

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I was shocked when they handed me this ginormous bag of chips – with the salsa only $1.50, $1.67 out the door with tax.  The stapler is there for size!   By the way, that red looking salsa? That is their seasonal salsa – cranberry lime and it’s pretty amazeballs and I just wish I had come up with that combo!

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Even after I ate some with my lunch, and duh, my boss ate some too, this was how much I had leftover!

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I ended up having dinner out last night with Hannah, her boyfriend Jacob, and Jacob’s Mom.  Jacob’s Mom just got married over the weekend (on 12.13.14!) and it was nice to see them.  I’ve gone out more in the last couple weeks that I have in the last six months, and last night I laughed a lot.  And it felt. . .good.   And I realized while the tears are still in the background ready to drop at a seconds notice, that it’s okay to laugh!

I had a blue moon and half of this burger – which was really good.  The picture didn’t turn out too well of the burger, but I am pretty sure you’ve seen a burger before!  I went with the cannon burger, sans the spicy mayo because I hate mayo.

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They dropped me off around 9:00 and I quickly got my comfy clothes on.  Lately I’ve been wearing Tony’s t-shirts, even though they come down to my knees and the short sleeves are more like 3/4 sleeves.  It makes me feel closer to him somehow.  Even the ratty t-shirts with holes in them!  I hope you enjoy the nostril shot in this photo – ha!

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And I am going out again tonight!  My good friend Alison and I are going out for beers.  She and I started working together almost 10 years ago, and while I don’t keep in contact with most people I work with, she is definitely the exception.  Tony and I went to her wedding in 2007.  This picture of Tony was a few months after his artificial heart surgery and he had lost about 50 pounds or more.  What a hottie!

She and her husband have two small girls, so she texted me last night and asked if we could sit at the bar like only adults can do?  She’s used to table seating with the kids all the time!   Then she asked if I could put her on the blog this morning about our getting together because she’s always wanted to be famous – ha!  Looking forward to seeing you tonight Alison!

Alright, now I have exactly 15 minutes to shower, dress and get out the door.  I stayed up late watching 90 Day Fiancé and after only two episodes I am hooked!    Make it a great day!