So I had my follow up with the knee doctor before work yesterday morning.  You all know how I love my “me” time in the morning before work, but I figured I may as well get it over with.  Since I got my cortisone shot nearly a month ago, my knee feels great.  So I walk in, give them my name and they can’t find me on the list.  Huh.  They phoned the house on Friday reminding me of the appointment yesterday.  She asks me what my doctors name is and she said “Oh, looks like they made your appointment at the Huntley office because that’s where the doctor is today.  I’ll just call them and tell them you are on your way.”  WTF?!  The other office is nearly 20 miles away from where I was, and I had to be at work in an hour.  And the Huntley doctor office was 20 miles to my office!  So now I have to go again this morning, only this time 15 minutes earlier.  Rat farts.

But, I got to work early and was able to heat up my quiche in the toaster oven, so the cheesy goodness got all melty on top.  One of the reasons I love making quiche (and need to remember to make them more often!) is because it’s 4 breakfast knocked out in one dish.  While I do love a crust on quiche, I don’t miss it nearly enough when I use baked potatoes on the bottom.  Another reason to bake up a bunch of potatoes over the weekend, so you can make this quiche!  And I puffy heart the Farmhouse Reserve Cabot Cheese – so good!


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I paired it with some grapes and this was a totally filling breakfast.  So here’s the deal – there is potatoes in the quiche, there are lots of carbs in the grapes, so I thought by giving myself half the amount of insulin I would need to work out at lunch, I would be golden.  Um – not so much.  15 minutes before I was going to go on my walk, my blood sugar was 117.  Damn.  So I decided to eat my lunch, take no insulin, and then walk later in the afternoon.  I made chicken tortilla soup over the weekend – more broth based so Tony liked it.  I didn’t really write down what I was throwing in there, but I used the remainder of my rotisserie chicken last week – I picked off all the meat, and then used the carcass to make my stock.  Added a 28 ounce can of tomato puree, 1 tablespoon taco seasoning (I think the cumin was too strong in the last batch I made) and then added some corn.  I had mine with some more shredded cheese and tortilla chips on the side.

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While it looks just like a lot of broth, I promise there was some goodness in there!

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My blood sugar after I ate lunch?  Only up to 136!  Dammit.  So no work out yesterday.  I didn’t want to keep eating shit because then it would be a wash, so I ran an errand at lunch just to get away from my desk.

I ended up making burgers last night for dinner.  Who needs a bun when you have homemade potato chips on the side?!  My burger has some fresh mozzarella melted on it, I put it on some chopped Romaine, and had some chips on the side.  Tony’s skinny burger was probably 1/3 the size of mine – I still love a VERY pink center in my burger, he needs his to be very well done.  Aren’t you happy that I shared yet another shitty fluorescent dinner picture?  You’re welcome.

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And a huge shout out to my friend and blog reader Laura D.  I saw her at my Mom’s concert and she gave me some goodies like she always does when I see her – she is so considerate!  We are FitBit friends too, and she kicks my ass  Like 15,000+ steps a day – and last week had a 26k day!  Um, how did she know I love snowmen and hot shit?!

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And she remembered last year how hard it was to find the pumpkin spicy M&Ms for my step-son last year, so she gave me two bags to forward to him.  Thanks Laura!  And I love how I have a random knife on the counter too.

Last night since it was a football night, I got to watch Biz TV.  I can almost always find something interesting on the Discovery Health channel.  Yep – I watched a show about kids that never grow up – it was an 8 year old girl who was the size of a baby, a 29 year old man who looked like a 7 year old, and a 31 year old woman from Brazil who couldn’t communicate, but loves getting dressed up and dances whenever she hears music.  I was in the back family room while Tony was in the front of the house watching football. I sent him this text:

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I guess Tony doesn’t appreciate a good documentary! Open-mouthed smile

Alright, bright and early again I go to the knee doctor.  Happy Tuesday – make it a great day!