Usually Friday’s at the office are really quiet and every time you look up at the clock and think 45 minutes has gone by, and it’s only been 10 minutes.  Waaaaa.  But yesterday was steady busy all day and it actually went by pretty fast. 

Friday food is always a “throw shit in a bag” day.  I had some baby new potatoes that were cooked and hanging out in the fridge.  I had thick cut deli ham, egg whites, spinach, cheese – a hash was born.  I sauteed the potatoes in a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper.  While that was cooking I went downstairs and ironed a shirt for work.  When I came back up, I added everything else (but the cheese) to the pan, turned the heat to medium low, put a lid on it and got dressed and brushed my teeth.   I just threw the contents of the pan into tupperware, but it in my lunch bag and I was good to go.

Once at work, I put the hash under the broiler in the office toaster oven, topped with about 3/4 an ounce of Cabot pepper jack cheese (which I found in the back of my deli meat drawer – score!) and it came out delicious.  The top was all melty cheesy goodness, and the potatoes were a bit crunchy from when I pan fried them.  On the side?  Is a splash of the guajillo pepper salsa.  I need to make more of that stuff – so good!

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Yesterday was arms on the strength menu.  My step-son gave me a holder for my iPod several years ago, and I made it kind of work to hold my iPhone while working out – I sent him this text message, love that he blew me a kiss! Red heart

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It works for now, but I may need to look into something else that actually is meant for an iPhone – any suggestions?  And you will be happy to know I wasn’t alone in the gym again Kym and Louise!

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Yep, that’s me doing my close grip bench presses with 20 pounds – I am definitely going to kick it a notch up next week.  I had plans of doing my cardio afterwards, but I could feel my blood sugar dropping, and knew that wasn’t going to happen.   I got back to work and heated up two pieces of leftover Mexican pizza.  Again on a klassy Styrofoam plate.

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When I got home Tony was just setting up shop if you will at our table under the gazebo.  So far we haven’t had to put the mesh sides up because the bugs haven’t been too bad – we both spray ourselves with Off and that seems to do the trick.  He made me a delicious vodka lemonade drink with seltzer and lemon, we listened to a Doug Benson podcast – there is this guy that he has that does an awesome impression of Mark Wahlberg – Heather, do you know what I am talking about?  I also need to get that one youtube podcast with the cat that you said was so funny – not sure Tony has seen it before.

I brought out some chips and baja fresh salsa – Amee – here is the link for the salsa – so simple, I think you’ll really love it! 

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Before we knew it, it was 8:00 and we hadn’t fixed dinner yet!  Tony bought a bone-in ribeye for us to split, and while we were sitting outside, I cooked some red potatoes.  I just finished them off on the grill.  I think the ribeye is my favorite cut – I normally do my 2x2x2x2 method to cook steak – meaning I cook 2 minutes on one side, 2 minutes on the other, then in the opposite direction cook 2 minutes then the last 2 minutes.  I literally use a stop watch on my phone.  That gives you perfect medium rare every time.  But this steak wasn’t as thick, so I did it 1.5×1.5×1.5×1.5 minutes.  Perfect!  And I may have switched to wine with dinner. Thumbs up

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It was a perfect night!  Today is my last day at the restaurant.  I got a call yesterday telling me that I am working a party that starts at 5, so I have to be there at 3:30 so I have to leave my house by 2:45.  I am a bit sad to see it go, but it isn’t cost effective for me to make the equivalent to gas money to get there.  And sadly, true to form, I probably will never talk to any of these people again.  I am weird that way.  When I leave a job, doesn’t matter if I’ve eaten lunch with you every day for years, as soon as you leave, or I leave, it’s a closed chapter in my book.  I normally leave a place and say under my breath – have a nice life!

So I didn’t get in all my steps yesterday because of the lack of cardio at lunch, but I didn’t do too bad!

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And thanks for cheering my on Treasa!

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Alright, I am actually going to do a T-25 dvd this morning to get my sweat on.  And sweat I will – It’s nearly 85 degrees and we don’t have the air on – it will be like doing T-25 in a hot yoga studio!  I’ll post the after sweaty pick on Instagram – are you following me?  mybizzykitchen

Have a great weekend!  See you Monday!