It’s amazing how not working at the restaurant this weekend made it seem so long!  No longer did I have to think I have to get up at xx time on Saturday to get all the stuff I wanted to get done before leaving for work at 4 in the afternoon!  And not having to work a double on Friday night? Priceless!

I ended up making all of the food I was bringing to my Mom’s house for Momma Day on Saturday.   That way we could just hang out and enjoy each other’s company without having to be in the kitchen for very long.  I ended up making fruit kebobs, homemade pork and apple sausage and a breakfast casserole.  I am not calling it a quiche because I ended up adding French bread to it.  It turned out really good!


Broccoli and Bacon Breakfast Casserole

  • makes 6 servings – 300 calories, 13.2 fat , 24.1 carbs, 2.2 fiber and 21 protein


  • 6 ounces French bread, cut into chunks
  • 6 ounces of baked potato, cut into chunks
  • 2 cups cooked broccoli
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup egg beaters
  • 4 slices cooked bacon
  • 2 ounces cheddar cheese
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • pinches of salt and pepper

Spray the bottom of a pie pan.  Layer the bottom with the potato and bread.  Next layer the broccoli.  Mix  the eggs, egg beaters, milk, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.  Pour into pie plate.  Top with cooked bacon, cheddar cheese and bake at 375 for 40 minutes.  Let cool 10 minutes before slicing.

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After brunch we got our walking shoes on and walked the nature trail near my Mom’s house – we walked just over 2 miles – the weather was perfect!

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I can’t believe it was nearly two years ago that the three of us spent the weekend in Michigan – three generation of feet!


And no get together with my Mom and daughter would be complete without a trip to Goodwill!

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Hannah gave me and my Mom framed pictures – I love this one Hannah gave my Mom:

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And Tony gave me a sweet card and flowers.

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I got home just in time – it started pouring not soon after I got home.  I already knew Tony was going to be making my favorite spicy mussel dinner – he bought the mussels on Friday and they have been hanging out in the fridge.  Mind you, this recipe says it feeds 4-5 people – well, I ate all the mussels!  Obviously not all the broth and chorizo, but the broth is so flavorful to dip bread into – yum!

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I realized this morning I never weighed in last week.

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It’s time to get back to basics.  This week I am going to be doing T-25 at night.  I did so good last summer when I did Insanity at night – it kept me from over eating at dinner AND drinking wine!

Make it a great day – what was the highlight of your weekend?