I am happy to say that as of April 8, 2014 – ALL THE SNOW AND ICE IS GONE!  And I can even see a bit of green grass trying to poke through the ground.  I think we may have finally turned the corner on the longest winter of my life.

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I had more biscuits leftover, so I decided to make my own breakfast biscuit – delish!  Ham, egg white, baby spinach, a slice of American cheese – toasted it in the toaster oven at work, with some cantaloupe on the side.

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I had plans to go to the gym, but damn work got in the way.  Somehow I have been designated as the “cell phone expert” which I have no idea how because I am probably the least technical person in the office.  I ended up having to drive to the cell phone company for one of our attorney’s phones to get it fixed.  That’s one of the down sides of having “the sugars” is that my workout window gets closed sometimes.  I didn’t get back to the office until nearly 1:00, I was hungry, my blood sugar was only 145 so it never happened.  I just need to win the lottery so I don’t have to work! Open-mouthed smile

It’s my bosses birthday today.  She never remembers my birthday, but I take the high road.  I went to Mariano’s yesterday and bought a fruit tart for later this afternoon, and last night I made a banana blueberry bread for breakfast this morning.  Even though my boss continually eats all my chips without asking.  Ever.  Case in point.  I bought these chips on Monday to give to a serving to an attorney who loves my salsa.  I gave him all of about 15 chips.  This is what the bag looked like just one day later.  Ha – I just noticed Tony’s face in the background – hi Tony! Open-mouthed smile

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While I LOVED my pho soup and had the second serving, I was really hungry the day before at 4:00 – it didn’t stick with me too long.  So at the store I picked up two chicken tenders on the side.

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The tasted like ass!  The breading was weird, had no flavor, and no amount of hot sauce could bring them around.  Oh well!  I had about three bites and ended up throwing them out.  The soup was just as good though!

So I got home from work and Tony and I hung out for a while.  I had planned on making chicken marsala, but Tony was telling me that he bought a bag of ice and that the Home Run Inn pizza box kept falling out of the freezer.  It was then and there that I decided I didn’t feel like cooking!  It’s rare, but it does happen.  I just added a bit more cheese and black olives to this. 

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It says that a serving size is 1/6 of the pie, but I ended up eating 1/4 of it, which is 615 calories.  So good!  Home Run Inn pizza has been around Chicago since 1923 – it’s now run by the 4th generation.  We’ve never had Home Run Inn pizza fresh, but for a frozen pizza, this is pretty good.

So without my lunch time workout, I failed to get my 10,000 steps in:

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I am going to use the Arc trainer at lunch today – it’s a piece of equipment I’ve never used – thanks to everyone who suggested it!

Stats for the Day:

  • 1640 calories, 153 carbs, 100 protein, 69 fat, 16.4 fiber
  • no workout
  • average blood sugar 131
  • still walked 2.52 miles – no bad!

I am off to cook up some chicken tacos for lunch today.  Oh, and I added a plugin to the blog – you can now add pictures to comments if you want!   I think you’ll see a button below your comment that shows that you can upload a picture.  I will leave a picture of the chicken marsala I am going to make for dinner tonight – let’s see if it works!   Make it a great day!