Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my blog post yesterday about not being inspiring – you guys rock and lifted my spirits – thank you!!

I had one more slice of my Chobani quiche and two of the sausage patties with apple.  These sausages are amazingly delicious – I gave two to my co-worker and she loved them!

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Again I tested my blood sugar around 11:15 to see where I was at, and it was a perfect 100.  So weird because I took half the amount of insulin I normally do for breakfast, but when I look at that picture, I realize there aren’t that many carbs in it, so maybe I just gave myself too much.  I told Tony that when we talked and he was like “just skip your lunch workout – you’ll be walking enough at the restaurant.”  So true!  So I ended up doing my menu and meal plan during my lunch hour!

When Tony and I were at the Fresh Market last weekend, I saw this package:

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“Soofoo” is super food.  This mix had brown rice, green, black & brown lentils, wheat berries, rye berries (never even heard of those!), barley AND buckwheat.  Whew!   Is it just me, or do you hate when manufacturers put the nutritional information on the dry ingredients?  This says that the serving size is 1/4 cup dry grains.  Well does that equal a cup cooked??  This had the grains and a spice packet, and it said you could use it in your rice maker.  I will tell you that this took 45 minutes to cook in my rice maker.

I cooked up some chicken and broccoli with sambal oelek, and then when I got to work I mixed it all together and heated it up.  I ended up with 2 cups of the cooked grain, so I added 1/2 a cup to my chicken and broccoli.  On it’s own, I wasn’t sure I liked the grain mixture, but mixed in together?  It was delicious!

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I texted Tony this picture of me from work – which he of course replied “beautiful!”  Duh!  HaHaHa.

Work was good – I had a 5 table station and only got sat once – no flips.  But I had great tables, was able to talk about the food and wouldn’t you know it two of my five tables were the last to leave at 11:15, so they must have been having a great time!  The Chef came in the kitchen when I was cleaning up and he said “everyone loves your ass” and he went on to say that he wished he could hire me full time.  Truth be told, I am not sure I could handle having that job full time.  Too many ups and downs and never knowing how much money you are going to make on any given night – the stress would be too much!

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I ended up getting home just before midnight – starving.  I had a big ol glass of red wine and three squares of pizza.  Tony and I watched the David Letterman show where he announced he’s retiring.  It’s like our generation of Johnny Carson retiring!  We’ve been watching him for most of our lives.

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You better believe I got my steps in yesterday!

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Stats for the Day:

  • 1618 calories, 112 carbs, 110 protein, 67 fat and 12.4 fiber
  • 37% of calories from fat, 22 from protein, 27 from carbs and 8% from alcohol
  • 13,213 steps!

So, what’s on my menu next week?  Our store is having their anniversary celebration, so their cooked rotisserie chickens are only $5 dollars.  My plan for the chicken:

  • mexi-cali breakfast burritos with chicken, green salsa brown rice, egg whites and cheese on a low carb burrito x 2
  • using half of the breast to make a Cobb Salad – chicken, avocado, bacon, tomato, carrots, mixed greens
  • using the other half of the breast to make Jambalaya – chicken, Andouille sausage, peppers and rice (using the leftovers for one of my lunches)
  • BBQ chicken apple sandwich with cheese – take 2 slices of whole wheat bread, spread with the Rudy’s copy cat bbq sauce, top with shredded chicken, thinly sliced apple and topped with cheddar cheese under the broiler – cut up fruit and veggies on the side – for one of my lunches
  • pick off all the rest of the meat and make a chicken pho soup – remove all the meat, simmer the carcass in chicken broth and lemon grass.  Cook on low for an hour – cool and remove any skin and bones.  Use that stock to make the pho with chicken, bean sprouts, sliced jalapeno, baby spinach (not traditional) and yaki-soba noodles.

Not bad for $5!  What’s on your menu next week?

I am off to make some coffee and I need to wash my work shirt and apron tonight.  The sun is shining!!  I have my workout plan for next week and I feel . . . great!

Have a great weekend – see you Monday!