I went downstairs to work out, but Ham Sandwich was there, and she was was watching some show on MTV and then flipping back and forth between America’s next top model with Tyra Banks. But, first come picks the t.v. station, so what could I do?
I only did 35 minutes on the elliptical and called it a day. I was starting to get hungry too – I am surprised though that the raisin bran lasted me as long as it did!
- low carb tortilla with .5 ounce turkey, .5 ounce garlic bologna, .5 swiss cheese, red cabbage and dill pickles
- 1 cup split pea soup with ham (with Tabasco!)
- 3 ounces carrots with 1 tbsp. fat free ranch
- 4 ounces of strawberries
- 6 ounce container of Fage yogurt

I think I’ve finally figured it out with the insulin on a meal like this. Because it takes me a while to eat, and I have the strawberries and yogurt as my “dessert” I only took enough insulin for the soup/sammie and carrots. Then I am going to take enough insulin for the yogurt/strawberries. We’ll see how it works out!
Hope everyone’s Friday is going by as quick as mine! See you at dinner!
Sorry VG – it must be a generational thing, you being half my age!
You too!
America’s Next Top Model is a guilty pleasure of mine 🙂
Enjoy your evening!!