Yep, third day in a row I got my ass up and to the gym.  I have to say, just after a couple days it’s easier to get in the mindset that NOT getting up is not an option.  And it was 0 degrees when I left for the gym – I barely needed a winter coat!  Although 3/4 of the way to the gym is when the sun comes up and it’s blinding at times!

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On tap was legs and calves.

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That routine took me just over 20 minutes, then I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, 8% incline for 2 miles.  Um, I may have had hat head, hence the White Sox hat.  (Kitch, don’t tell your Dad I am a Sox fan!)

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My daughter posted on Instagram that she made a bunch of smoothie packets (way to plan Hannah!) and it reminded me that I hadn’t made a Green Monster in a while.  My blender is actually in my office kitchen, so I just brought the ingredients and made my smoothie about 9:30.   I used 12 ounces of unsweetened almond milk, so all together, this was a 24 ounce smoothie – this took me over 30 minutes to drink!

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I was actually looking forward to my lunch time swim, until I realized I never pulled it out from the day before to dry.  Um, it may have been frozen in the side pocket of my gym bag!  So Plan B – another 30 minute 2 mile walk while watching The Chew.

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And, not shockingly, I had more lasagna soup for lunch – this time with a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese!   I love it that my friend Louise is trying to catch up on my making of this soup – I believe she’s on batch #16!

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When I was meal planning last week, I realized I had leftover cooked white rice, which meant one thing – Tony’s amazeball fried rice.  I bought some egg roll wrappers the last time I was at the Japanese grocery store, so egg rolls and Tony’s fried rice made the menu.

I found a recipe on Pinterest for Fried Pork Egg Rolls – while not exactly her recipe, it inspired mine.  While you are at it, go check out her blog – she’s got some good shit on there!

Pork Egg Rolls (makes 12 egg rolls – 160 calories, 22 carbs, 10 fat, 13 protein)

  • 1 pound ground pork
  • 1.5 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon rice vinegar
  • pinch of sugar
  • 2 cups of prepared cole slaw mix
  • 1 cup bean sprouts
  • 2 tablespoons Classic stir fry sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sweet and sour sauce

In a skillet, cook pork, breaking it up, until cooked almost through.  Take off heat and stir in remaining ingredients.  Let cool about 10 minutes.  Using an egg roll wrapper, put about 2-3 tablespoons filling on the wrapper, use water to seal the edges and roll up.  I just put fresh oil in our deep fryer, so these were light and crispy.  I, of course, would have loved to add some sriracha or sambal golek (sp??!!), but Tony doesn’t know why everything has to be spicy!

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I only ate one egg roll because I knew I was going to eat ALL of Tony’s stir fry – so fricken good!  I could eat Tony’s stir fry every single day and never get sick of it.  And he’s used to me adding a few dashes of sriracha to mine!

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Stats for the Day:

  • 1820 calories (had some wine, but I counted it!), 44 fat, 205 carbs, 77 protein and 22 fiber
  • 53% calories from carbs, 26 from fat and 20 from protein
  • 30 minute 2 miles before work
  • 20 minutes legs/calves
  • 30 minutes 2 miles at lunch
  • average blood sugar 115

Alright – off to the gym again – make it a great day!