Yesterday it was so cold.  We keep our bedroom door shut and have a small space heater that keeps our room so toasty.  So it’s a false sense of coziness when you open our bedroom door and step out into the hallway.  I looked up on my phone and saw this:

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Yep, that reads “feels like – 6!”  Gah.  I really, really wanted to just crawl back into bed, but I got my coffee going and got on my way to the gym before I could change my mind.  I ended up snacking on half a cup of grapes before working out.  I use my iPhone to look up my workouts for the day.  I listen to the radio and can toggle between my workout and my songs.  The music was working just fine, but I could not for the life of me pull it up.

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I knew I had chest/shoulders/abs to do so I ended up making up a 45 minute circuit using the machines.  I have to say it was a pretty good workout AND I upped my weights on every piece of equipment.  I did tricep pull downs with 50 pounds!

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And the best part was that I had 15 minutes to shower and still another 15 minutes to get ready before I had to get to work.  I love standing under a long shower.  I actually used the shower that had a bench (the other showers were taken) so I ended up just sitting down having the hot water pour over me.  It was so relaxing!  I even put make up on!

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I ended up having a breakfast sammie for breakfast with half a sliced apple.  It was an 80 calorie whole wheat bun, 1 egg, 2 slices of pepperoni and 1/2 a slice of American cheese.

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I ran errands with a co-worker at lunch, so no lunch workout.  I was actually felling bad that I didn’t get the second cardio workout in, but then realized – wtf – you DID workout for 45 minutes – that’s better than nothing!

I ended up adding some chicken breast to my leftovers from Chinese food since the pork wasn’t much protein.  With sriracha added of course!

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I had to pick up a couple things at the store on my way home.  Holy bat shit was that place packed!  But, thankfully they had like every register open.  Of course I can’t go to the store without looking at the discount bins – score!  50% off Fruit Loops (Tony likes to eat that with yogurt), goat cheese and ground beef!  I can’t help being a 50% off bin whore.

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I actually had a fairly busy work afternoon and was happy to get the hockey puck out of there at 5:00.  I had the other half of a chicken breast to use up, so I ended up making Tony and I fried chicken breast sandwiches on ciabatta bread.   I actually ended up taking the bread off, but Tony liked it!  Super easy and delicious!

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And now I have to get Bizzy in my Kitchen.  We are having a low key turkey day this year.  My Mom is bringing wine.  We are grilling our turkey, having stuffing three ways (onions for my Mom, chorizo sausage in mine and what Tony calls “normal” stuffing for him).  Mashed potatoes, steamed green beans, biscuits.  And for dessert pecan pie and pumpkin pie.

I want to say Thank You for everyone who takes time out of their day to see what I am up to.  I love that readers like Kym send me cool shit, like a Halloween Snowman, and for last year when I was so overwhelmed by the spirit of Christmas from Jody, Lori, Carol, Jenn & Kym

And to my most recent thanks to blog reader Laura (docklady!) who not only found pumpkin M&Ms to give to my step-son when they were all sold out in Austin, she also gave me two new bottles of hot sauce.  Thanks Laura!!

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My life is richer “knowing” all of you and you know I consider you my friends even if we haven’t met up in real life.  I’ve already told Carrie and Louise that I need to hook up with them over the summer since they don’t live too far from me.  And blog reader Peggy is moving closer to me too – can’t wait to meet her in real life!  And it’s my goal to meet Nicole at PreventionRD in 2014 – we’ve only been talking about it for two years!  And I need to hang out with Jacky more often – we live an hour away from each other so there is no excuse!  Plus, she has a really nice kitchen I’d like to cook in!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Hugs!