I have today off for a doctors appointment, so its nearly 9 a.m. and I am just getting out of bed and poured my first cup of coffee.  We’ve been up since 7, but we just laid under the toasty covers watching t.v.  Perfect way to start the day if you ask me!

I am sure Randi thinks something has happened to me since I am posting so late – no worries Randi – I am alive and well! Open-mouthed smile

I am actually a bit ashamed that although I knew it was diabetes awareness month in November, I didn’t realize yesterday was World Diabetes Day!  Sadly, every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes, and every year diabetes kills more people that breast cancer and AIDS combined.  That’s kind of staggering!

So that’s why each day I try to make the right choices so I can live with this disease as long as possible.  And well, Tony said I can’t die before him because he says he wouldn’t know how to live without me.

Next week’s menu I am really cutting back on carbs – nearly every day this past week I’ve been 200 grams or more, and I’d really like to be between 125 and 150.  So yesterday morning I made a giant egg white omelet.  1/2 a cup of egg whites, 2 ounces taco meat, 1 tablespoon black beans, 1 tablespoon corn, one shredded zucchini and get this – no cheese!  On the side was a high fiber English muffin.

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What you didn’t see was the about 2 tablespoons of hot sauce I added to it after this picture was taken. #ilovehotshit  This omelet comes in at 274 calories, 5.8 fat, 12.3 carbs, 2.6 fiber and a whopping 42 grams of protein.

So it was shoulders for strength yesterday.  I am in week 8 of the strength training routine, and at first glance I thought “this should only take 20 minutes.”

Just as I was starting to workout, I get a text from my step-son Joe:


Apparently he caught a baby bunny in his back yard!  I then texted back “I am working out!”

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So I upped my weights – this time using 8 pound weights – and well, that shoulder workout ended up taking me 40 minutes to finish!  Whew!  Good think there was no cardio on tap because i wouldn’t have had time to do it.

So since I am just using up what I have on hand this week, more tacos for lunch!  This time on the Ezekiel sprouted tortillas with red cabbage, more taco meat, black beans, corn and cilantro.  Oh, and tomatillo salsa – I need to make more soon!

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Guess what I like now?  Diced tomatoes.  So crazy.  I guess you just have to see something a thousand times before trying it!

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Okay, here’s a question.  I bought this shirt at Goodwill with my Mom – it was only $1.99.  The shirt is connected to the vest.  When I took a picture of it and showed it to Tony he said “it looks like you should be on The Big Bang Theory.

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I really like it, but I really have no fashion sense, so you can be honest and tell me if I should just give it back to Goodwill or keep it!

Dinner was sweet and simple – one of Tony’s favorites – red beans and rice with smoked sausage.  Only one tiny problem, (and the only cost I spent this week on groceries was the $3 for the sausage) I bought smoked sausage that was made with beef, turkey and pork.  We cook the sausage in the rice maker along with the red beans and rice, but the texture of the pork was awful, like really soft.  I should have bought a kielbasa, or an all beef smoked sausage.  I added one sautéed zucchini to my dish.  I think I may have eaten 3 pieces of sausage?

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Stats for the Day:

  • 1510 calories, 167 carbs, 103 protein, 49 grams fat, 26 fiber
  • 29% of calories from fat, 27% from protein, and 43% from carbs
  • B+ grade on calorie count
  • 40 minutes shoulder for strength

I am so happy its Friday!  This week really seemed to drag.  Alright, I am off to get my boobs smooshed in mammogram machine.  Make it a great day!