After my two day rest over the weekend, and then starting back to exercise on Tuesday, I kept thinking to myself, doing nothing is so much easier!  It’s a lot easier to think about what you should do, want to do, etc., then it is to actually do it.

But success doesn’t come without work.  Making each day the best you can be will be the only way you will get to your goals.  And I love that I am walking the walk and not just talking about what I want to do. Open-mouthed smile

Breakfast was quick and easy – granola and Chobani!  I got right to work when I sat down at my desk and realized afterward that I never took a picture – pretty sure you know what it looks like though!  I bought this granola simply because I had a coupon which made it $1.99 a box.  I can’t make granola for $1.99.  Not sure I am a fan though – it kind of has an artificial taste to it.  I used my Chobani spoon too – I love this spoon.

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Speaking of Chobani, I got an email from them yesterday hoping to get the word out about some possible mold on some Chobani products. 

An open line of communication with our community is of paramount importance to us, and we want to make sure you are aware of a current conversation resulting from quality concerns surrounding certain cups. We address the details in this blog post here, and specifically which cups may be affected.

If you think that you may have gotten some bad Chobani, just click on that link above and follow instructions on how to get replacements. Open-mouthed smile

I decided to do the stair master yesterday – but not any which way.  I did 5 minutes facing forward, then 10 minutes sideways to my left, 10 minutes sideways to my right, and then 5 minutes backwards – with a cool down I did 100 flights of steps.  Not gonna lie, the going backwards part freaked me out a bit since you can’t really see the steps – but, I didn’t fall. Open-mouthed smile

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Lunch was . . . eclectic, but delicious.  I had a cup of leftover pasta, 3 ounces of grilled sausage, a cup of broccoli that I cooked in about 1/3 a cup of tomato sauce.  I added another teaspoon of pesto too – I love that shit. 

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This was very filling too – I need to remind myself to eat more veggies.

I had gyros burgers (wow, that link goes back to 2009!) on the menu, but I switched it up a bit.  I used meatloaf mix (beef, pork and veal) to make the burgers and I used just 1 tablespoon of shish kabob seasoning, 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper and 1/4 teaspoon of seasoned salt for the burgers.  Tony and I each had a 5 ounce burger.

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I wish I knew what exactly was in that seasoning, but it says “salt, celery seed and spices.”  Huh.  All I know is that it is super flavorful, and because of the mix of meats, super juicy.  I only cooked the burgers about 3 minutes a side over medium high heat.  The key to a gyros burger though is having a crispy pita – I simply melted 1 teaspoon of butter in a pan, and pan fried the pita before stuffing.  Pretty sure butter makes everything taste better.

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I bought the tzatziki cups at my store – they sell gyros in the deli and I just asked for two cups – .25 cents each and the perfect amount – maybe 2 tablespoons?  That’s my favorite part of any gyros.

Guess who came to dinner last night before Kyle?  Mo the chipmunk!  Although he’s pretty skittish and will dash away as soon as I open the door.  I think its funny that he sits in the bowl sometimes when he eats.

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But then Kyle kicked everyone out later on – even the birds.  Two cardinals were sitting on the deck railing wondering when the hell Kyle was going to get done.

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Tony makes fun of me because he said at this point, I have more pictures of Kyle than I do of trees!  Maybe that’s a sign that I need a dog.  Dog face Dog face Dog face

Last night it was back to the tougher second month of Insanity – I had forgotten how hard the Max Cardio Interval was.  In fact, when I turned it on I yelled to Tony “this one is only 45 minutes!”  Um, well, the last 32 minutes doesn’t stop until the final stretch.  Whew.  It was tough but I gave it 100%.  I was just a tad schweaty at the end.

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Okay, I need your help here.  This is one of Tony’s pet peeves of mine.  Whenever I make corn, I roll my corn in the stick of butter.  Tony says you are supposed to use a knife to take what you need and spread it over your corn.  So I need to know . . . show of hands how many of you roll your corn in the stick of butter!

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I don’t know if its my computer or what, but fatsecret won’t let me enter my food the last couple days – oh well, I am sure you guys can go about your day not knowing how many total calories I had. Open-mouthed smile

Time to get this show on the road – make it a great day!