Remember back on May 2nd when I said my Game Face was going on?  Me either.  May ended with a wimper and my 100 mile goal challenge never came to fruition.  And I was horrible and keeping up the ten of you who wanted to join the challenge for a chance to win my salsa.

I apologize to Peggy, Rachel, Aimee, Roxy (Losing the Rolls), Katelyn, Erin, Mary, Louise, Veronica and Diana Grace for not being a better cheerleader this month.   I ended up putting all your names in a hat for the winner.  And the winner is. . .


Send me an email or leave a message in the comments section on your heat level of the salsa.

Knowing I was going to have tacos for lunch I had a super simple breakfast parfait. 

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The forecast called for possible thunder storms, so that’s why I decided not to grill at work.  I ended up making crock pot ground beef tacos, cilantro lime rice and my salsa with all the fixings.  I knew you guys wanted to see my office horse wallpaper again. You’re welcome.

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But it ended up just being overcast so we ended up eating outside.  It’s a nice break at the end of the week to eat together.  The attorney I work out with photo bombed me!

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Insulin and tacos go really well together – ha!

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Since we had pizza the night before, I didn’t really know what to make for dinner.  By the time I get to Friday with meal planning, I almost always leave that night open.  As I was driving home I knew I had pasta.  I had about 1/2 a pound of sausage.  I had some canned marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese.  Pasta!

I adapted my recipe from this one:

Penne in Cream Sauce with Sausage Bon Appétit | February 1997

by Landini Brothers Restaurant
Alexandria, Virginia

Yield: Serves 3  (I thought this would serve two of us, but it was enough for 3 servings)


1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, thinly sliced

3 garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 pound sweet Italian sausage, casings removed
2/3 cup dry white wine
1 14 1/2-ounce can diced peeled tomatoes with juices half a cup of marinara sauce
1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup of half and half
6 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley Tony isn’t a fan of parsley
1  1/2 pound penne pasta
1  1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


Melt butter with oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic and sauté until golden brown and tender, about 7 minutes. Add sausage and sauté until golden brown and cooked through, breaking up with back of spoon, about 7 minutes. Drain any excess drippings from skillet. Add wine to skillet and boil until almost all liquid evaporates, about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes with juices and simmer

3 minutes. Add cream and simmer until sauce thickens slightly, about 5 minutes. Stir in 4 tablespoons parsley. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Remove from heat. (Sauce can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Cook pasta in large pot of boiling salted water until tender but still firm to bite. Drain pasta; transfer to large bowl.

Bring sauce to simmer. Pour sauce over pasta. Add 3/4 cup cheese and toss to coat. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup cheese and 2 tablespoons parsley.

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I served mine over baby spinach.  I really really liked this.  It was creamy, but tasted light.  Just enough sausage and I did add crushed red pepper flakes to mine. Open-mouthed smile

June Goals

I have to say that I am the queen of saying I am going to do something and not following through.  Enough is enough.  So when my friend Helen asked me if I wanted to join her Diet Bet group, I didn’t hesitate to say yes.  The premise is simple.  You pay $25 in.  You weigh yourself full body on a scale, take a picture of your weight with a verification word and send it into the moderators.  You have to lose 4% of your weight by June 29 and everyone who reaches their goal splits the pot.  The pot is $325!  I have to lose 7 pounds.

When I was in Austin, my step-son burned me a copy of the Insanity tapes.  He and his wife did it for 30 days in a row.  I found the calendar on Pinterest.


So today is the Fit Test.  I haven’t decided what time of day I am going to do it though.  I am not one to get up and go full out, plus I like my hour and a half morning to blog, read blogs and get ready for the day.  So I may declare my workout time from 8:00 to 9:00 at night.  Joe said that most of the workouts are between 35-45 minutes.  I still plan to do my lunch workout to get away from my desk, but it will be easy stuff like walking on the treadmill or swimming.

I have other goals, but for now – 30 days of Insanity.  Tony – you need to help kick my butt to get this done!  He’s an awesome motivator by the way. Open-mouthed smile  And you know what?  He loves me for how I look now – isn’t that awesome?!  Red heartRed heartRed heart

What are your June goals?  Have you ever done Insanity or P90X before?  I am kind of nervous!  Off to clean out the fridge and freezer and get my meal plan together.  Have a great weekend!