Oops!  I ended up posting some pictures without text earlier today, and hit publish on my phone before I was ready!  So some of you just saw this:  xoaosusof as text – ha!  So the pictures in this post are in no particular order!

We rented a boat on Lake Travis yesterday.  Normally on vacations, the boat rental day ends up being one of our favorite days.  I was happy that it was overcast, but just in case I wore SPF 50 – no burns for me – yippee!

We quickly discovered that May is early for Lake Travis – we literally saw only four boats in 4 hours!  We ended up getting our pontoon boat at Just for Fun rentals.  I picked that place because on Tuesdays, they have buy one, get one free hour, so our 4 hour boat rental was only $129.

I normally don’t like bodies of water where I can’t see what’s under the water.  So I shocked the shit out of Tony when I just jumped in feet first!  Holy shit though, it was cold!!!  I did manage to float for about 20 minutes.


My brother works at a Japanese gaming company, and tonight is a code deadline, so he’s been working nearly around the clock for days.  I was happy that my being at his house, sleeping over last night, gave him “permission” to come home early – he was home by 7!  Here he is photo bombing my dinner. 😀  My SIL made pork tenderloin, oven potatoes, corn and cantaloupe – thanks Laura!



Our boat rental was from 10 to 2, so I brought stuff to make Italian beef sandwiches on the boat.  My daughter in law Lizz loves spicy shit like me, so we thought she would love it.  Um, turns out she doesn’t like peppers, so she just poured the spicy oil and her sammie and loved it.  Josh, I wanted you to know that you giardiniera made it all the way to Texas!


Here is Lizz enjoying a coffee before beer later! 😀


Joe is the bar manager at iPic theaters, and was proud of his alcohol selection at his house.  Most of it was stuff that didn’t sell, but it was super tasty.  We’ve had a nice bottle of cabernet, and he brought out a bottle of Proseco one night – thanks Joe!


Here is Joe bringing up anchor – just as we pulled in the sun was blaring so it was perfect timing!


After dinner Charlie and I had to go on a beer run.  The two beers he had in his fridge expired in 2012, and it was Miller Ultra Light.  Enough said.  We bought a four pack of Boddington’s and sat around watching t.v., watching youtube videos and generally just laughing the night away.  Tony doesn’t get it, but we have so much fun together.

We also kept sending pictures to my twin sister saying stuff like “we are having so much fun without you!”   And then Charlie would text her on the side saying “do you know when Biz is getting the hell out of here?!”  Ha ha ha – that’s the unseen humor Tony doesn’t get.  Well, pretty much no one else would get it either, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I am lucky that I get to call my brother a great friend!

Alright, hopefully this post sticks – I just lost the last one somehow.  I think it was because I was toggling between my iPhone app and a laptop – I am so not computer saavy!

Other than the boat ride, Tony and I didn’t plan a single minute of this vacation, and so far we’ve had a great time!

Question of the Day:  Do you plan every detail of your vacation, or do you just go with the flow?

I hope to post again Friday – hope you are all having a great week!