My friend Christina, who I met through blogging, moved back to her home state of North Carolina.  She used to blog at Dinner at Christina’s, but has moved on and happily I can follow her on Facebook.  Check out her and her husband’s Christmas card this year!


She said her husband grew out the mustache/goatee especially for this photo.  I love it!  You are crazy Christina!  And yes, those are their pets. Open-mouthed smile

Tony and I both only ate half of our Christmas eve dinner, that left two halves of baked potatoes and two good size pieces of steak.  I took one of those leftovers and made a scrambled egg, zucchini, steak mixture, stuffed it inside the potato skin, stopped with a slice of Swiss cheese, then put it under the broiler at work.  On the side – fruit of Florida tangerines and blackberries. 

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The blackberries, while huge, were a bit on the tart side – or maybe they tasted tart because the tangerine was so sweet?  I ended up eat the tangerine first, then sprinkling some Splenda over the blackberries.

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I thought I might swim at lunch, but there were a bunch of day campers in the pool, so it was onto plan B – intervals on the treadmill.  I am loving the HIIT app on my phone – I don’t have to pay attention to anything but the whistle to either run or walk.  I did 7 reps of 3 minutes running, 2 minutes walking, with my fastest 3 minute run at 6.0 mph.


I never really meal plan during a holiday week – I buy groceries for the big meal, but don’t feel its necessary to buy more food for the week.  I grabbed what I thought was roasted red pepper soup.  I heated it up, and at first glance I was like “Yes, it’s soup!”  Sadly, upon tasting it, it was pasta sauce – my first bite had a fennel seed in it!  As much as I tried to will myself that it was tomato soup, it wasn’t happening.

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So I ate my “dessert” first – Florida grapefruit drizzled with just a bit of honey – so juicy and delicious!

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I thought maybe I could order food from across the street, but only one slight problem with that.  I’d already taken my insulin for what I thought I was going to eat – if I don’t meet food with the insulin, the insulin works too fast and my blood sugar sinks like a stone.

I borrowed a Lean Cuisine from my boss.  One word.  Ick.

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The package sounded good – but that toasted coconut made the dish overly sweet – I had to add some sriracha to balance out the sweetness.  The package directions said to cook for 5 minutes, let stand 1 minute, stir, and let stand another minute.

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Yep, I somehow burned some of the rice (who knew you could burn a frozen dinner in the microwave?!) and one piece of chicken was still frozen!  I managed to eat half of this, but it was enough food so my blood sugar was fine.

I defrosted a “meatloaf” mix for dinner, not really knowing what to do with it – I could make tacos, or burgers, or meatloaf, or Salisbury steak.  Salisbury steak won!

Here is another delightful florescent photo from my kitchen.  I should really become a professional photographer – ha!

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I love brown gravy packages – my store sells them 2 for $1 on sale, so I stock up.  Each 1/4 cup serving is only 20 calories! 

I wish I could work only 2 days every week!  Hopefully today will go by fast, then it’s another four day weekend – woop!

Do any of you have any plans for New Years Eve?  Do you stay home and have a special meal – go over to friends houses?  Tony and I stay put – too many crazies on the road. Confused smile

I do have a couple mini projects I’d like to get done over the long weekend.  One is cleaning my desk in the basement – it’s awful – it’s probably piled a foot and a half high of old papers, magazines, etc.  I need to shred a bunch of stuff I don’t need anymore.  Do I really need our ComEd bill from 2007?  I don’t think so!

Alright, off to get ready for work – make it a great day!