We were going to meet Joe and Lizz for lunch yesterday.  I wasn’t sure where we were going to go, so all I had for breakfast was a piece of my artisan bread toast.

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But it looked naked.  Then I remembered that I won some jelly from Veronica’s bake sale fundraiser for Suzie!   I won them from Eliot’s Eats.  I’ve tried commenting on the blog but it must be going to spam, so hopefully she’ll see this!  The jelly I tried yesterday?  Serrano Mango!  Doesn’t that scream me?!

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The kids had a late start yesterday, so I ran some errands.  By the time they got here and we left for lunch it was after 2:00!  And I was hungry.  The good Biz was telling me to get a chopped salad.  But the bad Biz won!

Blackened chicken panini with mixed greens, walnuts, sliced pears and brie.

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Amazeballs.  The bread was super crispy, yet tender, the sliced pears were a nice balance with the spicy chicken.  It was huge – I could only eat half of it. I definitely need to recreate this one at home.

We had a great lunch.  Sadly, Tony cannot take a serious picture!

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Then I just got him out of the picture!  I love this one.

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They came back to our house for the rest of the afternoon before heading back to Lizz’s parents had relatives coming over for dinner.  We will see them again tomorrow and then they leave on Sunday already – a 5 day trip does go by fast!

Neither Tony and I were hungry for dinner so we ended up just eating some popcorn.  Not the healthiest of days I’ve had – and I didn’t exercise.  I was going to take 2 rest days this week, so I’ll have to hit the gym the next three days.  No worries!

My Skinny snowman challenge score for yesterday?  A big fat zero!  I need to pick up the pace on this challenge and get to the store to get more fruit, I am completely out.

I am loving these four day weekends – I could get used to this!  But I didn’t win the lottery, so boo.  Just about to fill my water bottle up – I didn’t drink hardly any yesterday.

Happy Friday!