It happened yesterday.  I was standing at the copier, killing trees, when I was checking my WordPress App on my phone (so cool by the way!) and saw that I had passed 1,000,000 page views!

Granted it took four years to get there, but the fact that I didn’t hit 100,000 page views until a year and a half in, I am pretty excited to reach this milestone.

I appreciate each and every one of you who take time out of your day to stop by My Bizzy Kitchen and see what I am up to – thank you!

So it’s only fair that I have a giveaway!  When I was deep cleaning a couple weeks ago, I realized I have A LOT of cookbooks.  I weeded through them, scanned recipes I wanted to keep and am giving away three cookbooks:

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I will also be giving away four jars of my baja fresh salsaNicole, I stole your picture because it looks better than mine! Open-mouthed smile

baja fresh

To win?  Just tell me what state you live in.  If you twat about the giveaway on twitter, leave a second comment and you can get a second entry.  I don’t have a facebook page, but if I did, put “like” in another comment for a third entry.  I’ll pick a winner on Friday morning. Open-mouthed smile

I woke up a bit late this morning, so you’ll have no nutritional stats.  I know!  You’ll be walking around all day in a daze wondering how many calories I ate yesterday!  Ha! Smile with tongue out

Breakfast was an egg white/spinach breakfast crostini with cantaloupe and watermelon.  It’s the best fruit I’ve bought all year surprisingly!

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My co-worker and I went on a Sam’s run at lunch – it was weird not to head to the gym!  When I got back I put lunch together – I took the remainder of the meat from my sandwich on Monday, then remade a new sandwich with fresh bread and fresh sliced lettuce.  More fruit on the side.

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And dinner was company Salisbury steak, sans any extra vegetables.  I don’t think I can consider mashed potatoes a vegetable serving!  And try not to be jealous of my sweet ass kitchen counters. Open-mouthed smile

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Alright, I can take a shower today!!  Going to get ready for work – its supposed to be near 80 degrees in Chicagoland today – only to be a high in the 40’s for the weekend.  Gotta love Midwest weather!

Make it a great day!  And Happy Birthday to my MIL Bonnie!