I had to be at work an hour early yesterday morning.  So after getting up, taking a shower, getting dressed, blogging and out the door – I hadn’t fixed anything for breakfast and it was time to go.

One of my guilty pleasures?  The sausage biscuit at McDonald’s.  It’s 370 calories, 22 fat, 30 carbs, 2 fiber and 14 protein – and while I know its high in fat for the calories, this stuck with me from 7:20 in the morning until 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon.  Don’t worry Tony, I had it sitting on the bag so it didn’t get the passenger seat greasy.

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It’s about the only thing at McDonald’s that doesn’t give me the runs 30 minutes after I eat it.  Yep, hoping your eating breakfast or lunch right now as you read that sentence.  You’re welcome. Open-mouthed smile

I still had lasagna soup for lunch, but since we were working so hard, I suggested that my boss and I get Chinese food for lunch.  It’s seriously the quickest Chinese food – it’s across the street from us and literally from phone call to delivery is about 10 minutes.  I decided to order the chicken and broccoli because the chicken isn’t breaded.

I asked if they could make it spicy for me. . . I may have said “I love spicy food!” when I was ordering it.

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Because its their lunch special it says “no substitutions” so I couldn’t ask for my normal “no onions” although Tony told me I should just ask for it anyway.  Luckily the onion pieces were big enough to pick out, both in the dish and the fried rice.

I took one bite of the chicken and was like “that’s got a bit of a kick to it.”  Another minute later my eyes are watering and my nose is starting to run.  Again, you’re welcome for the visual!  I keep trying to move around the food to see what the spice is, and all that is really noticeable is the crushed red pepper, but that has never affected (or is it effected Helen?) me before.

I seriously could only eat about 1/4 of this dish because it was too spicy.  I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d ever say those words!  Only one time before I had some chicken wings that I could barely bring to my face, let alone take a bite.  While I like spicy it has to be flavorful spicy.  Next time I’ll kick my lunch up myself. Open-mouthed smile

I literally was non-stop all day at work.  I had garlic chicken thighs on the menu from $10 dollar dinners on Food Network, but you have to cook the garlic cloves for 10 minutes, then sear the chicken, then finish off baking for 30 minutes.  I seriously didn’t have the energy, so I went with a quick fix – fried chicken.  The thighs were pretty small so it was perfect – on the side some sliced red potatoes I fried for a couple minutes and some canned corn.

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I have another busy day at work today, but I have a three day weekend.  Monday is my surgery for my pre-cancerous mole at the plastic surgeons office.  I wonder if they will throw in a boob job on the house?

I have no stats – I didn’t enter anything into fatsecret.com, I didn’t work out, and I only tested my blood sugar once all day.  Crazy!

You have to go visit my blog friend Brooke and give her some virtual high fives!  She’s officially lost  . . .

150 pounds!!

So proud of you!!  You were such a beautiful bride too! Open-mouthed smile  She’s contemplating hosting a “countdown to Christmas” challenge – pop on over and let her know if you are interested!

And to my running blog friends – can you stop by Aimee’s blog and give her some advice?  She’s been training for a marathon that is in the middle of November, and now thinks she’s got some Achilles problems and isn’t sure how to deal with it – rest?  Scrap running for a week?  I have no idea so hopefully you guys can help her out – thanks!

Make it a great day!  Happy Friday!