I walked off to work a second day in a row without my camera.  No worries, I had my cell phone with me.  Except I forgot to plug it in the night before, so it was dead when I got ready to take a picture of my breakfast.


Thanks Google images!!  I had two breakfast tacos:  2 corn tortillas, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 ounce chopped pepperoni, 1/2 cup of canned kidney beans, 1 cup baby spinach and 3/4 oz of cheese.  I had a fuji apple on the side – breakfast came in at 501 calories, 15 fat, 60 carbs, 12 fiber and 32 protein.

I decided to do a bike ride at lunch to take at stab at my 170 mile challenge.  I ended up doing 9 miles!  Woop!  I took the picture you see below, texted it to Tony and I got this wonderful text back that ended up saying WOW!  In my head I was like “it’s just a bike ride!”  Um, turns out he thought I ran that far – I wish!  Thanks though Tony!

9 miles

I tried to take a picture while I was still riding, that didn’t turn out so well! Open-mouthed smile

hard to take picture

Just like scallop potatoes have been my Achilles heal, so has potato soup.  More than half the time it tastes like I am eating a bowl of mashed potatoes.  Not this recipe!  I think the key was cooking the potatoes separately and adding them back in at the end.  This is creamy, but a bit chunky all at the same time.

Potato Soup

(adapted from Tidy Mom)

Makes 8 servings, 1.5 cups each:  274 calories, 8.6 fat, 40 carbs, 3.5 fiber and 13 protein

I left out the bacon in the soup recipe, but feel free to cook some up for a garnish.


  • 5 large baking potatoes (1.5 pounds), cut into 1 inch cubes
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 6 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups skim milk
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 1 cup chopped carrots, diced
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste

Put the potatoes in a pot of water, covered an inch higher than the potatoes.  Cook until tender, about 10 minutes, then drain.

In a stock pot, heat olive oil. Add garlic, celery and carrots.  Cook for 10 minutes until carrots start to get tender.  Add flour.  Cook for 1 minute.  Slowly add the chicken broth, stirring until the sauce starts to thicken and get bubbly.  Put the potatoes and remaining ingredients in the pot and simmer for 10 minutes.  I did use my potato masher to mash some of the potatoes.


This was so good.  Creamy, with bits of potato and carrots.  And I love that this whole bowl was under 250 calories!

The reason I was happy about how low in calorie my soup was going to be, was because I knew my dinner was going to be a calorie bomb.  You see, over the weekend while flipping channels we saw a show that made a meatza deep dish pizza:  Italian sausage, Canadian bacon, pepperoni AND bacon!  Tony and I looked at each other and I was like “that’s going on the menu next week!”

Half of me didn’t even want to figure out the calories, but then I thought, I have to.  I have to own up to what I eat.

I always have to stop myself and remember, I am nowhere near what I was like back in the day.  I wondered “how the hell did I get to be 210 pounds?!”  I’ll tell you how:

  • Burger King breakfast croissant, cheezy hash browns and a 20 oz. pop: 1090 calories, 47 grams of fat
  • McDonald’s 10 chicken nuggets, large fry, pop and an apple pie: 1,460 calories, 65 grams of fat
  • On my way home: Auntie Ann’s pretzel for the train ride: 480 calories, 4 fat
  • Dinner: 4 beef tacos, refried beans, Mexican rice: 1,120 calories, 68 grams of fat
  • After Hannah went to bed?  12 inch Jack’s pizza: 1320 calories, 69 grams of fat

Not kidding, that was a typical day in the former life of Biz.  That day totals 5473 calories, 253 grams of fat, 572 carbs (!!!) 39 fiber, 214 protein and get this . . . ready for it?  11,876 grams of sodium!!

So when I figured out the calories for my one slice of a 9 inch pizza, it came in at 642 calories, 32 fat, 55 carbs, 2.8 fiber and 28 protein.

ddza 001   ddza 003

my slice of heaven

When I finished entering the rest of my food for the day into fatsecret.com, I realized as a whole day, I didn’t do too bad!

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 1417 calories, 55 fat, 156 carbs, 18 fiber and 73 protein
  • 45% of calories from calories, 35% from fat and 20% from protein
  • 9 mile bike ride
  • 156.5 miles left of my 170 mile challenge
  • average blood sugar 141

So while a part of me was beating myself up for eating that pizza, the other half was telling me “you don’t eat like you used to,  It’s one slice of pizza – enjoy it and move on!”

Question of the Day:  How have your eating habits changed over the years?  All I know is that until I was about 30, the only vegetables I ate were cucumber and carrots!

Off to put my food together for the day – breakfast, lunch and dinner!  I might have to work late tonight – but fingers crossed that I don’t.  Somehow I think Tony will be just fine watching football tonight if I do work late! Open-mouthed smile

Make it a great day!