I brought breakfast treats for my bosses birthday – I am remiss – he’s turning 27 not 26 – still a baby in my eyes though!
I ended up making blueberry muffins, but added a lemon zest glaze to the top – just 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar with 1 teaspoon of milk to start (add more if needed) and then the zest from one lemon.

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I was in such a hurry yesterday that this turned out to be my breakfast!  191 calories, 2.3 fat, 37 carbs, 1 fiber and 5 protein.

I wish I had Veronica’s cake baking skillz.  No matter how hard I try, or let the cake cool, whenever I go to frost it, the top starts to crumble.  After one can of cream cheese frosting, it kind of looked like a 5 year old made the cake.  I decided to pop out at lunch and buy more frosting to try to make it more presentable.

A new grocery store opened near my office called Mariano’s.  My boss was telling me about it because she has one near her home.


Holy shizz you guys – I could have spent all day in this place!  Reminded me a lot like Whole Foods, but very well laid out – they had a juice bar, coffee bar, sushi bar – the salad bar was like 25 feet long and only $4.99 a pound.  They have a huge bulk bin area – had I not been on my lunch break I literally could have spent all day just in the cheese department – this was one of four sections of cheese! 


I ended up picking up a cup of their beef chili – they had nutritional information and it was 210 calories a cup.  They had a ton of other lunch options, like build your own panini, etc., and what was cool was they had two registers in this section so you could just pop in and pick up something for lunch and not have to wait in the long lines with the grocery shoppers.

I ended up adding 1/2 cup of baked beans to my chili when I got back to the office, and topped it off with about an ounce of diced cheese – lunch is 514 caloires, 24 fat, 47 carbs, 13 fiber and 25 protein.

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So after using about 1/2 of the second can of frosting, here’s how the cake turned out.

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I need to learn how to frost in between the layers better – it almost got all absorbed into the cake!

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So I cut slices of cake for everyone and handed them out.  You know that I have to deem something insulin worthy to eat it – but I wasn’t sure if we were going to have pizza for dinner, so I opted not to have a piece.  Until one of the partners was like “why aren’t you eating any?”  I told him I just didn’t want one.  He then said “do me a favor and just eat a bite so we know its okay to eat!”  So I had one bite of the cake and one bite of the frosting, and then he was satisfied that I hadn’t tampered with it!

As luck would have it, Tony had leftover pizza for lunch so I stopped by my store to hit up the 50% off bin – which I am happy T.J. now shops in her discount meat too – she scored some steak and sent me a virtual high five! Open-mouthed smile  I actually got this 1.5 pound steak for $6.00!


With corn on the side that kind of tasted like ass, I basically had steak for dinner.  I am sure Kelly would have loved my dinner too!

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Dinner comes in at 413 calories, 12 fat, 31 carbs, 0 fiber and 45 protein.  And since I was only at 1100 calories even with the Summer Shandy (best summer beer!), I did have 1.5 servings of bugels while Tony and I caught up on our DVR.

Stats for Friday:

  • 1488 calories, 53 fat, 155 carbs, 16 fiber and 78 protein
  • 42% of calories from carbs, 32% from fat and 26% from protein
  • no exercise (plan on working out today and tomorrow!)
  • average blood sugar 156

Right now I have a pot of Suzie’s amazeballs chili on the stove right now.  Our neighbor is coming over to watch the NIU game.  I never thought to put chorizo in chili and it is so good!  Thanks for the recipe Suzie!

I have a lot of organizing to do – I am lost without Hannah’s cleaning skillz – she set the bar pretty high!  I hope to enjoy our awesome weather this weekend too – if its not too windy, we may have a bonfire tonight.

Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!